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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. If there's no fraud -- then why can't we watch them count the votes?!
  2. I'm hearing the software company is tied to N. Pelosi.
  3. 47 counties used this software. Other states may have, too. Was it a glitch or a "feature"?
  4. I'm going to side with the elite coach and go with BH by as little as they want!
  5. Fraud has been being committed against Trump even before he was inaugurated. Russian collusion!!!! Complete hoax! Impeached Trump only because they had the votes! So you tell us if fraud is possible!
  6. Liberalism = socialism/communism. Show us where in the world has it worked? Cuba? Venezuela?
  7. It should be fairly clear why Democrats were pushing mail in voting. This way they can go out and "find" how many ballots they need to win. Trump was up by around 700,000 votes. Pennsylvania stops the count, finds the ballots and now he's only up by 90,000. In Philly, the Republicans had to file a suit to be able watch the vote count. They won. The city is now appealing the ruling. WHY??
  8. Listen to Kamalina Harrison when she says we need to count all ballots. She doesn't ever say we need to count all legal votes!
  9. True. But -- according to Article 2 of the Constitution, the state legislatures makes the rules. The problem in Pennsylvania, is the legislature made rules that basically stated that votes will be in on time. But, the Penn state supreme court said no, you have to count votes past the deadline. And, unfortunately, the US Supreme Court was split 4-4 and the lower court was upheld. But, according to the Article 2, the courts have no place in dictating this and over ruling the legislatures. This is what will win it for Trump. His lawyers will hammer this.
  10. Why is it that every state that is not a swing state run by Democrats can keep their act together on election night? Why is it every state, except swing states, run by Democrats, every other state can count the ballots, can get them in by the end of the night on election night and tell us who won? Except swing states run by Democrats?? Again -- why is this??!!
  11. Trump knows that if legal votes are counted and not ballots then he wins!
  12. Trump assembling an all star legal team! [Hidden Content]
  13. Just saw that Trump is filing a lawsuit in PA, MI,and GA. We have to fight the devils work. Just like the devils tried to get us in 2000. Didn't work then and I don't think it'll work now!
  14. Wrong is wrong and silly is silly!
  15. Democratic steal update: 7 Milwaukee Districts Report Higher Than 100% Turnout! [Hidden Content]
  16. Did he REALLY?! And in one of the states 100% of the "found" ballots all went to Biden. One can't be that silly to think that this could "accidentally" happen!
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