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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. After Trump serves his four years, it's Desantis' for the next 8 years. I also like Desantis. But as I've said before, he made a mistake in running this year. No one was going to beat Trump.
  2. From the article: "With Fox News covering it and other outlets picking it up, it’s time to warn Americans about a huge potential problem: Illegal aliens hopping on the squatter bandwagon. Squatting has become such a problem in many Democrat-run (and some RINO-run) cities and states that homeowners are rushing to sell any rental properties that sit vacant. In areas with loose squatter laws, the asset of owning rental homes has become a major liability when squatters take “ownership” and live in these homes rent-free for weeks or even months. Sometimes, it can extend for years and cost the actual homeowner tens of thousands of dollars just to get their property back." [Hidden Content]
  3. He donated to her campaign and didn't disclose it. His wife also donated to Fanny. Plus, this judge worked for Fanny at one time. I was wondering why this was taking so long. What, it's been, I think, three weeks now and still nothing. You can tell he's treated her differently than he's treated everyone else. [Hidden Content]
  4. Donald Trump Leads Joe Biden in Michigan, Georgia, and North Carolina! [Hidden Content]
  5. In other words -- no honkies allowed! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  6. The Eighth Amendment (Amendment VIII) to the United States Constitution protects against imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments. This amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the United States Bill of Rights.[1] The amendment serves as a limitation upon the state or federal government to impose unduly harsh penalties on criminal defendants before and after a conviction. This limitation applies equally to the price for obtaining pretrial release and the punishment for crime after conviction. This devil judge violated Trump's Constitutional rights. Trump should be able to federalize this case and appeal it federally. Judges do not have qualified immunity if they break the law! Send him to prison!!
  7. Fake news!! Trumps attorney, Alina Habba, is on record, I watched her say it, that the judge WOULD NOT ALLOW this to be tried by a jury. She said they did not have an option! This falls in line with what this judge said in, I think it was 2015, that jury's, and I'm paraphrasing, should not be allowed to make decisions. That the judge knows more and should be the one making the final decision. It's my understanding that in order to be able to do this he had to use residential fraud. Well, any sane person knows Trump's situation is commercial. And I'll ask you again: Who was it that filed a suit against Trump claiming fraud? No one! The big bank that Trump dealt with testified they were good customers. Paid loans back on time. And who would this money he's supposed to pay go to if no one claimed they were hurt? It's like filing murder charges against someone when there is not a body!!
  8. His Lobbyist Brother Stands To Benefit. Tony Podesta represents foreign companies involved in the natural gas industry! [Hidden Content]
  9. Quran Recited at Belgian Parliament by Imam with Call for Killing, Kidnapping of Jews! [Hidden Content]
  10. Truckers Plan to Stop Shipments to NYC in Response to Political Hack Judge Engoron’s Ruling! [Hidden Content]
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