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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. From the article: Created Operation Warp Speed. The Chinese virus hit the U.S. hard. It’s now clear that China’s communist regime downplayed the deadly virus outbreak early, leading to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus that official data show has killed 400,000 Americans. Trump was ridiculed and berated for daring to think he could push the creation of a new, effective vaccine within the remaining months of his term. Yet, as Bloomberg noted on Wednesday, “Vaccinations in the U.S. began Dec. 14 with health care workers, and so far 16.3 million shots have been given, according to a state-by-state tally … In the last week, an average of 806,716 doses per day were administered.” The vaccine critics were dead wrong, and Trump’s push may well end up saving hundreds of thousands of lives in coming years.
  2. Fauci said the vaccine would take 2 years to roll out. Trump made it work less than a year. Just another major accomplishment! biden would still be differing to Fauci. Because biden never had to meet a deadline or dealt with a payroll!
  3. If fraud was involved, which I still think there was, then Trump had every Constitutional right to request Pense to do what was in his Constitutional power. Trump is a Constitutionalist. He would not have anyone to go outside the Constitution. My opinion. But, with that being said -- It looks like Pense made a business decision for 2024. This is what I have a problem with. Not doing the right thing also found its way into the Supreme Court. Roberts was over heard screaming about, and I'm paraphrasing, we can't do the right thing because if we do it'll cause riots! It's tough to find people now-a-days that will stand up to pressure. They'll fold for various reasons. I think that's what irritates some people about Trump. He doesn't fold under the pressure!
  4. I have a problem with Pence toward the end. Going to have to find out more about it. Trump usually had good cause.
  5. didn't obama put "our" money into green energy companies that all went bankrupt?
  6. Trump was only mean and nasty to those that were mean and nasty to him. Mainly the news media.
  7. 74 million people that voted for him doesn't think he's a jerk. Again -- your hate is over whelming!
  8. Wrong! Trump got the most votes ever of any sitting President. He wins Florida and Ohio. That in it's self says he won. Then, in the swing States he was ahead when the polls closed. Up 700,000 in Penn. The a couple of days later lose it by 40,000. That, my friend, takes an aweful lot of evil to over come! I'll go to my death bed saying there ain't no way a dufus like biden got legally 80 million votes! And I doubt very seriously that even you can say he did with a straight face!!
  9. What an idiot! This is what the swamp creatures do. Oh, but wait, he's been employed by the government for 47 so he knows what's best for the rest of us! Give me a break!! [Hidden Content]
  10. You know, they use the word racist against Trump but NEVER give examples. You notice this? But, like I've always said -- when you use the word racist by the left, that means you are losing the argument. They were trying to shut the winning side down. It used to work, but not anymore!
  11. bidenista wants to open the borders back up (invasion). But, he acts like he's really concerned about Covid. Help us connect the dots!
  12. He was only started being called a racist when he became President. You do the math. Oh, BTW, I'm sure he's given ton's more jobs to blacks in his life time then obama and biden and clinton combined!
  13. LOL! That's Trump's economy! But a socialist wouldn't/couldn't recognize this!
  14. True! At least we now know what the rules are!!
  15. You are a mite confused, my friend. The swamp just got bigger!
  16. The man lived off the government for 47 years. All he knows is a government salary. So, no, I doubt he'll do what Trump did.
  17. If you look at all 17 -- not ONE has to do with economic growth. The list reads like a temper tantrum! But, honestly, he's been in office for 47 years. What does he know about economics?
  18. Reagan

    How Long

    The only way the the other side can get a Communist in office is to some how, someway get rid of biden. Don't know how, don't know when. The other side knows there is no way the American people would vote for a Communist like Commi-Kamalina harris. Heck, she's so far left that she waxed out in the primaries before a single vote was cast. And that's saying a lot with the present day Dem party!
  19. This is what Socialist/Communist do!
  20. You think obama was a good American? LOL!
  21. I see you didn't deny anything that was said!
  22. If I recall right, the obama/biden economy never grew above 2%. BUT -- the welfare rolls increased dramatically. This is "compassion", Demo style. obama was a community agitator and biden served off the government teat for 47 years. But yet they know more about capitalism than Trump? SMH!
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