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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. True Trump supporters? Can't 100% answer that. But -- knowing what we know how we conducted ourselves in past rally's, it's hard for me to believe all of a sudden we go Antinfa/BLM on DC!
  3. Answer me this: Has there been a Trump rally that's gotten violent in this fashion? Or any fashion?
  4. You seek true asylum by seeking it at the first country you come to. This was always an invasion!
  5. When you can't beat them in the arena of ideas, well, you resort to this!
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. You know it's sorta funny how the lame stream media portrayed the Antifa/BLM destruction of cities as "unrest." But every time they refer to what happened in DC, they say "riots." Anyone still think the lame stream media is not biased?!
  9. Yes, and remember how Clarence Thomas was treated by the Democrats? Thomas' words: it was a "high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves!"
  10. Checking the coaches as I do, advantage goes to Aledo. But I would say by a small amount. As a side not, I'd actually like to see Crosby win.
  11. Those pesky facts keep getting in the way!
  12. Yes, he fits the category with 2 State Titles. He's earned the distinction.
  13. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  14. We know for a fact the two big racist are Biden and Obama. biden said obama was a "clean" black person. And obama threw his grandmother under the bus by saying she was a typical white person.
  15. Again, hate will make do and say strange things!
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