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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Something like 14-15 people showed up!
  2. Reagan


    [Hidden Content]
  3. Go ahead, France, be touchy-feely, and let more in!! [Hidden Content]
  4. Case in point: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  5. Why is it that the "left/liberals" are committing all the violence? You know, riots, burning down cities, and physically attacking their opponents?
  6. ACB being sworn in by the "great" Clarence Thomas! [Hidden Content]
  7. Yes indeed: Senate Confirms Constitutionalist Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court . . . This ought to give some here a massive heart attack! A judge that actually believes in "following" the Constitution!!
  8. And, Steve -- don't forget about BigGirl! 😃
  9. Biden sealed his fate, as if it wasn't already sealed, when he said he would faze out the oil industry. That's the Green New Deal AOC is pushing. First Biden said he was for it. Then he said he was against it to get the nomination. Now I guess he's back on board with AOC and Bernie Sanders!
  10. Joe Biden is the "big guy!" [Hidden Content]
  11. Pro-Biden and Trump hating (Trump Derangement Syndrome) makes people say and do strange and crazy things!
  12. Fake! Just trying to cover for your boy biden! [Hidden Content]
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