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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. This is a distinct possibility!
  2. Jasper by as much as they want. I already know who coaches LC-M! LOL!!
  3. At anytime does that fetus have a heart beat? Does it have blood flow?
  4. Come on, my friend, be brave: Say BH by as much as they want! 😄 😁
  5. Trump said he would allow to be searched. Also, Trump wants biden to take a drug test. Trump said he would take one. The very salient question is: What is biden hiding or scared of?!?! [Hidden Content]
  6. WOW! And the other side says there's not any abuse! Also just heard a sheriff found a box of mail-in ballots thrown in a ditch. LOL! Like this could never happen! [Hidden Content]
  7. More Democratic fraud!! [Hidden Content]
  8. LOL!! It was a rent-a-cop that was being paid by tax payers dollars!
  9. Like I said -- everything looks right to SW1966!
  10. Did a little research on the Splendora coach. He has a slightly worst record than the Vidor coach. So advantage goes to Vidor. Prediction will come later!
  11. OK, what's the purpose of the Constable position here in Jefferson county? What do they do exactly that police and sheriffs can't do? Thoughts?!
  12. Hummmm! I'll have to do my research on Splendora's coach. I'll get back when it's done! 🤔
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