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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Carthage has the elite coach. Advantage Carthage!
  2. We want a judge that follows the Constitution! RBG followed her feelings!
  3. Between the two -- a better coach! This is why PNG will win!
  4. What RBG said about filling Supreme Court vacancies! [Hidden Content]
  5. Then Abbott can install Rick Perry as the new Senator!
  6. I'll go ahead and say it: WOS by as much as they want.
  7. Prediction time: Bay City by as much as they want! I was 1-1 last week. Shooting for 2-0!
  8. Antifa Communist get nailed in the nads!!
  9. I guess Black Liberal Lives doesn't matter anymore! [Hidden Content]
  10. When you see your neighbors house getting robbed, remember -- they called the cops on you for not wearing a mask!
  11. I think biden just said the "harris/biden" administration. Interesting! But -- maybe he's been a follower all his life that he can't help it! SMH!!
  12. Maybe they were projecting forward! 😀
  13. Why is it that the Democrat base becomes violent when the police do their jobs?
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