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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Hagar, ol' buddy, are we going to have to get YOU drug tested?! ๐Ÿคช
  2. Someone must have heard you say Vidor's going to win the State Championship! ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„
  3. Why is it that liberals think it's necessary to do stuff like this. Who do they think they are pleasing with this stuff?
  4. The NFL overnight ratings saw a fall of 28% in the ratings from Sunday night last year to Sunday night this year! Boycott, Boycott -- Boycott!!!! [Hidden Content]
  5. I'll say WOS "simi" by as much as they want!
  6. Actually -- it's NAALCP! Never forget that!
  7. Hummmm! I was leaning toward Silsbee! But -- maybe Bay City by as much as they want! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€
  8. Apparently Democrats have no shame!!
  9. He registered to vote in Chicago as a Democrat!!
  10. 2 things stand out to me: 1st is how quick they swarmed on the truck. Is there a code sent out when a truck carry packages is in the area? 2nd, why aren't these people working??!!
  11. SW1966 -- BigGirl, where are you? Would love to hear your comments.
  12. Black Lives Matter!! [Hidden Content]
  13. Fauci tells Fox he 'didn't get any sense' that Trump 'was distorting anything' about coronavirus! I guess you didn't know this because your bible for news CNN -- Commie News Network didn't report it! [Hidden Content]
  14. No one has ever denied that the Swap was against him. Good thing that's not how we elect Presidents!
  15. Is this the same Woodward that said he interviewed Bill Casey in a hospital while Casey was still in a coma to get dirt on Reagan?
  16. Enough to prolly win the district. But that's about it.
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