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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Why is it that the news media never asked biden about any of his policies? All they ask him is about about Trump.
  2. Again -- no proof of your assertion against Trump. PS -- without proof then one can only presume it's just pure hate against Trump!
  3. I'm a constitutional conservative. The only other thing is socialism/communism. Not a hard choice! What are you?
  4. Those that are biden's side and his advisors. Not that difficult!
  5. Another one of ours!! [Hidden Content]
  6. Find some blacks in the picture! SMH!! [Hidden Content]
  7. What happened to Marco? Man, they can't get that right but yet they can tell us that man-made global warming is going to kill us in 10 years! SMH!!
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. Where's the "spontaneous" caravans of migrants coming from south America? "If" their plight was bad then -- then it should still be bad, right?! So -- again -- where are they??
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