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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. The Most Radical Leftist Ticket Democrats Have Ever Foisted Upon Us! [Hidden Content]
  2. Well -- this is interesting! [Hidden Content]
  3. Ol' Joe's pick is good for the Republican party. All Trump has to do is encourage Biden to keep her out speaking in public as much as possible. Then Trump can say to the American people: Now you know what a "dyed in the wool" Socialist/Communist looks like.
  4. You actually think that Trump failed at being a business man? Seriously?! How long has Biden been sucking off the taxpayers? And this point doesn't bother you?!
  5. So -- this is the only reason you are voting for Biden?
  6. There is no power Harris has held that she hasn’t abused! [Hidden Content]
  7. LOL!! Thugs in their thugish behavior will always find a reason! [Hidden Content]
  8. Didn't I say she didn't get a face lift for nothing!!
  9. BLM has now only become a catch phrase. Really means nothing anymore. If they were actually honest it would be, like I've said before, only LIBERAL black lives matter.
  10. It's sad that Sweden is more free than America! Think abut that! [Hidden Content]
  11. Take it in sections. There's 10 parts. People need to see this!
  12. This is a documentary that has parts 1 through 10. It talks about the deep state. Also you'll see the con game known as the migrant caravan from South America. They were supposed to have traveled 45 miles a day and over 2,100 miles from where they started. You'll see those with flip flops and those that are bare footed. You'll also see women with nice hair and make up. Plus, on a different subject, you'll also find out others that died that was connected to the Clinton's. Imagine that! You can take it in sections. It's about 3 hours long.
  13. You even have to have an ID for mundane task of getting a library card. So, something a important as running the greatest country in the free world, one would think that voter ID is a no-brainer! Like BS Wildcats said -- always look who opposes something! The one can usually tell right from wrong!
  14. It's been going on for awhile: Indoctrination instead of education! Any colleges that that teach anti-Americanism and takes taxpayer's dollars should be stripped immediately of all tax dollars! Can''t have my taxes going to evil!
  15. The Indians by as much as they want!
  16. You are right about party affiliation. It's basically one's ideology that either fits inside a certain party or it doesn't. So, with that being said, if your ideology makes you vote for a racist (check Biden's past if you want to be honest about this) and socialist (Biden), well, then, you are a socialist and OK with racist behavior. I'll ask the salient question: Why would a non-liberal, non-socialist find this appealing to vote for?!
  17. "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny!"
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