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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Congressman from Arizona is now calling for a recount in Arizona. Think about it -- Biden winning Arizona?! LOL! Plus a little more info on Dominion's Ties to the swamp: Donated $25-50K to Clinton foundation. $2.2M contract from Clinton foundation. Hired Pelosi's former Chief of Staff. Currently employs fmr Jeb Bush/Paul Ryan operative Michael Steel.
  2. Indeed it was impressive and powerful! [Hidden Content]
  3. Giuliani spent a good part of a day in front of the Pennsylvania state legislature providing evidence and witnesses. I even started a topic concerning this. I even mention you in it. Let's see if you have the intestinal fortitude to provide an answer!
  4. Giuliani said mail in ballots were returned the day after they were mailed out. He also said that mail in ballots were also received the same day they were mailed out. He then went on to say that mail in ballots were received the day before they were mail out. He said that's a bit tricky! Hey, Bluedove, UT Alum and PamFam -- can you help us understand how this is possible?
  5. From the video: ": Of the 600K votes added during curious "spikes" in PA, how many went to Biden? Witness: "I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand." " And how much for Trump? Witness: "I think it was a little over 3,200." *crowd erupts in gasps, laughter*" Blue, UT Alum and PamFam -- what say you?
  6. WOW!! Hey, Blue, UT Alum and PamFam -- what say you?
  7. President Trump thanks you for finally recognizing what he's done!
  8. From the article: "The Anti-Trump Dominion CEO Eric Coomer Who Wrote An Antifa Manifesto On His Facebook Page, Installed “Update Software” On Over 30,000 Georgia Machines RIGHT BEFORE THE ELECTION!" [Hidden Content]
  9. Like I've said -- she's not going any where! [Hidden Content]
  10. I'll ask again -- why is it that dead people ALWAYS vote by mail in ballots? Come on our liberal friends, can you explain?!
  11. WOW!! [Hidden Content]
  12. Not having seen the game, I know that teams work on prevent defenses. If anything was messed up, it falls on the DC. But ultimately it's the HC's responsibility. Everybody knows where the buck stops.
  13. Technically she never was. From the article: "I agree with the campaign's statement that I am not part of the campaign's legal team. I never signed a retainer agreement or sent the President or the campaign a bill for my expenses or fees." Nothing changed! Well, my friend, looks like you need to stop listening to CNN and MSLSD! [Hidden Content]
  14. From the article: "While Biden under performed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 totals in every urban county in the United States, he outperformed her in the metropolitan areas of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Even more surprising, the former VP put up a record haul of votes, despite Democrats’ general failures in local House and state legislative seats across the nation. 80 Million Votes -- Holy moly! A lot of Americans turned out for a Washington politician who’s been in office for nearly 50 years. Consider this: no incumbent president in nearly a century and a half has gained votes in a re-election campaign and still lost." [Hidden Content]
  15. 1) Beatles 2) Eric Clapton 3) Led Zeppelin 4) Three Dog Night 5) Tommy James And The Shondells 6) Paul Revere And The Raiders (Go to Youtube and listen to "The Boys In The Band") 7) The Grass Roots ("Temptation Eyes" is one of my favorites) 8 CCR 9) Bee Gees 10) Chicago
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Hagar, my 2 cents: When you throw 95-98% of the time this will happen. Receivers know where they are going and defense is in reaction mode (always been this way). Also, it's the decision of the coaches on how they plan on playing defense against the passing teams.
  18. More WOW!! CNN, MSLSD, The NY Slimes and Washington Compost could be finding this stuff out also but CHOOSE not to! [Hidden Content]
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