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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Apparently we are going to have to add a "L" to BLM and make it "BLLM!" Just like we had to add a "L" to the NAALCP! And for the low info voter -- the extra L stands for Liberal!
  2. PamFam -- you just threw the "I'm in the middle of the road" argument 10 miles out the window!
  3. Not good news for Dims. Especially all the bogus things they've thrown at President Trump! [Hidden Content]
  4. Well this is interesting. I bet this won't be shown on the main stream media!! [Hidden Content]
  5. True! Just look at the Postal Service vs FedEx and UPS! Two are ran efficient and the other is a total drain on tax dollars. But, I did hear that there are changes coming form the Postal Service. Like maybe cutting it in half. Let's play it on the safe side and cut three quarters. Bet we won't miss it one bit!!
  6. What our friends on the left do not realize is that Hitler was actually a socialist. Socialism/communism brings dictators. When you "force" people to so things, well, there has to be a force behind it to ensure it is being done. When we operate on "freedom" then you don't need the jackboots around! I don't think the left can connect the dots on this part. Until it's too late!
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. In biden's many, many years sucking off taxpayers dollars, what exactly did he accomplished all those years to say he's worthy of the Dims nomination. Well, let's look at obama/biden: 13 million more on food stamps. 8 million more in poverty. The lowest employment participation rate. A stagnant obama economy that never got over, I believe, 2%. So, yeah -- what's not to like, right?! LOL!
  9. Ok, tell us the bad things about biden and then tell us the good things about President Trump, since you are in the middle of the road.
  10. Steve, there is a ton more. But -- if we start to make them fall one by one then the others might not want to get involved with the snake soros.
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