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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Just to make it clear for this forum: Are you a socialist?
  2. Take a look at the picture. I barely see one black. Someone is holding a communist revolution sign. Another is holding a black trans lives matter sign. All I see is a bunch of white red diaper doper babies! [Hidden Content]
  3. More proof when the left says we have to vote by mail in because of Covid, well, another dang lie! Just look how close these people are sitting together! And not one word is/was said. [Hidden Content]
  4. We need to keep an eye on this. We need to make sure the right thing is done! [Hidden Content]
  5. She still hasn't figured out that's not how elections are won! Good Thing!!
  6. Your hate for Trump is overwhelming!
  7. Hate is not a good political strategy!
  8. It was a pic that said, on one side, that children should go back to school. Then on the other side it had, if I remember right, someone holding a sign which said Teacher's Union and they were saying no!
  9. Now we know why she got a face lift! [Hidden Content]
  10. It's amazing how the pic post but then it turns into just letters and numbers! SMH!
  11. Biden is an anti-Semite! So, since you "support" him, then that makes you a racist! Just using your logic.
  12. Silsbee by as much as they want!
  13. Any true conservative is a capitalist.
  14. Liberalism/communism has ruined every place it's tried! If liberalism/socialism/communism worked -- Cuba would be a total paradise! I'll tell you this much -- it sure wasn't conservatism/capitalism that wrecked Cuba and Venezuela!
  15. President Trump is the only Constitutionalist in the race. So, you are right -- it's your decision! BTW -- you have heard why they call Biden "creepy ol' Joe", right? Just wondering!
  16. You say you aren't a socialist but yet you are going to vote for a socialist! What you do speaks so loudly we can't hear what you say!
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