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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Point being, no, you cannot separate the BLM movement (members) from the BLM organization.
  2. Looks like PNG is the only one with some gonads!
  3. Just called up Youtube and there are four videos that come up and 2 state how sorry Florida is concerning the virus. This comes courtesy of Rueters and CBS Evening News. It's either going to be Texas, Florida, or Arizona in the top 4!
  4. True! You NEVER give into terrorism in any form. Because when you do -- you get more of it NOT less!!
  5. I hope Donald Trump, who he hates, signed the check! LOL! Maybe then de niro would burn the check. Oh, wait, maybe not! That's what hypocrites do!
  6. From the article: "But, Falwell told Secrets today, “they picked on the wrong conservative.” It is the second embarrassment for the New York Times in two days. On Tuesday, prominent opinion writer Bari Weiss quit and ripped the paper in a public letter saying that the paper’s coverage is driven by “clicks” and Twitter. “It’s just not right for the mainstream media to lie about and target conservative Christian organizations just because of their faith and because of their political beliefs, and we’re going to make an example out of them,” said Falwell." [Hidden Content]
  7. [Hidden Content] Also -- BLM attacks customers enjoying dinner in Dallas. Furious black MAGA supporter captures it: This is what Cultural Marxism looks like! [Hidden Content]
  8. Would you bet any amount of your own money on it?
  9. Did you know that a convicted terrorist is in charge of the BLM's finances? Probably did see that on CNN or MSLSD, did you?
  10. Just wondering what his/her answer would be. You can't answer it either, can you?!
  11. From the article: "“Joe Biden’s entire career has been a gift to the Chinese Communist Party,” Trump said. The president spoke during an evening press conference in the White House Rose Garden on China. “Joe Biden and President Obama freely allowed China to pillage our factories, plunder our communities, and steal our most precious secrets,” Trump said." [Hidden Content]
  12. "Let's get down to the brass tacks: I'm fairly sure the BLM types will want one to believe this scenario: Floyd was an upstanding person in his community. Had a good job. Good family man. Has never been in trouble with the law. Now, on the other hand, the cop woke up that morning and said: "I think I'm going to kill a black person today!" And poor Floyd was just in the wrong place, minding his own business, at the wrong time. Am I close that this is what a lot of people want everyone to believe?" Well, I ask you: Of the two scenarios above, which one is true? Or, are they both wrong or both right?
  13. The question is: Why are they not reporting correctly. Is it political? Is it money? From the article: "“Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive,” Fox 35 News reported. “Other labs had very high positivity rates.” Orlando Health, for example, reported a 98 percent positivity rate. Lee Memorial Hospital Lab, PanCare of Florida, Inc and Advance Medical of Naples all reported 100 percent positivity rates; no negative results were included. Fox 35 News said it investigated the numbers by contacting every local location listed in the report. Orlando Health confirmed errors in the report, and its positivity rate is said to be 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as listed. Similarly, a VA spokesperson told Fox 35 News that the Orlando Veterans Affairs Medical Center’s positivity rate is actually 6 percent, not 76 percent as seen on the report. Fox News has reached out to the Orlando Veterans Affairs Medical Center with a request for comment on this story."
  14. Rudy is spot on. Like Rudy said, why would soros pay for DA's? He's doing it to undermine our government! [Hidden Content]
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