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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Let's get down to the brass tacks: I'm fairly sure the BLM types will want one to believe this scenario: Floyd was an upstanding person in his community. Had a good job. Good family man. Has never been in trouble with the law. Now, on the other hand, the cop woke up that morning and said: "I think I'm going to kill a black person today!" And poor Floyd was just in the wrong place, minding his own business, at the wrong time. Am I close that this is what a lot of people want everyone to believe?
  2. Steve, trying to talk about capitalism to a socialist is futile! It's like discussing a cross with Dracula or the Bible with the devil!
  3. If the shoe fits wear it! Have we noticed the only ones complaining about the labels are the ones on the left?!
  4. If one doesn't think that this Caronavirus is being politically played, check out the Youtube face page. Right now Bloomberg, CBS This Morning, and CNN, their headlines state about how cases of Covid shatters a single day record in Florida and Florida breaks US record for Covid cases. A lot of times they state garbage only about Texas, Arizona and Florida. The con here, my friends, is they won't talk about how many -- or how few -- actually have the virus. The death rates are falling. I also heard since the death rates are falling, that it's not considered a pandemic any longer. But, since they are classifying EVERYTHING as Covid related, then, yes, cases will rise.
  5. Stone was a victim of the Mueller witch hunt, an investigation with no merit that Trump-hating prosecutors knew was fraudulent before they opened the investigation!
  6. It'll get you killed by the communist front group BLM! [Hidden Content]
  7. Let's see what the left's other hero did. From the article: "She (Susan Rosenberg) spent 16 years in jail, during which she emerged as an author and AIDS activist, and President Bill Clinton pardoned her on his final day in office on January 20, 2001. 'Susan Rosenberg, who handles their (BLM) finances is a convicted terrorist who was involved with the Black Panthers who used to slaughter police officers,' Giuliani said on the show. 'This convicted terrorist was sentenced to 58 years. Clinton’s corrupt last hour pardon set her free." [Hidden Content]
  8. I guess we forgot what obama/holder did concerning the new black panthers when they were found GUILTY of voter intimidation?! After they were found guilty -- obama/holder DROPPED the charges!! From the article: "Bartle Bull, who worked as a civil rights lawyer in the south in the 1960's and is a former campaign manager for Robert Kennedy, said it was the most blatant form of voter intimidation he had ever seen." So, I guess some are so far to the left that they can't smell "this" true and evil fishy smell from there!! [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  9. If you're wearing a mask, why would you care if I'm not? Your mask works -- right?
  10. We true conservatives are a constant source of information for the young bucks as well as the old bucks!
  11. You do realize that the rat team of Mueller railroaded Stone and Flynn just to try and break them to get to Trump? Have you actually been paying attention to what has been going on with Gen Flynn? How about the time they raided Stone's house at 6:00 in the morning for intimidation purposes? And just so happen CNN was there. How convenient! So, yes, both of these deserve what Trump can give them!
  12. This is un-America, freedom hating communist/socialist do! When you can't win in the arena of ideas you try and intimidate instead!
  13. The salient question is: How would a bunch of atheist know?!
  14. Remember -- biden has aligned himself with the platform of sanders and AOC.
  15. Reagan


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  16. Again -- back in the day the KKK was the police arm of the Democratic party. I wonder how many blacks voted for the Grand Wizard Robert Byrd through his time in office?
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