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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I'd vote for Weezy on the Jeffersons!
  2. Never said I didn't care. I'm saying all these radicals need is a opportunity burn, pilfer and loot. You tell me: What does stealing TV's and baby diapers have to do with Floyd's death? Oh, BTW, what state do you live in?
  3. It shows there is no systemic racism is America. His dad is black just like obama's!
  4. The radicals do not care about Floyd. They just needed an opportunity! You think this bunch cared about Floyd? [Hidden Content]
  5. First understand what I'm saying. They are saying rapid rise in cases. What they are doing is if one has it then they ask how many have they been in contact with. If they say 40 then they are counting it as 41 cases NOT 1 like they should. Now you see my point? So, yes, it does matter if one wants the truth.
  6. My question, again, would be: Are they counting "actual" cases are counting anyone that "may" have been exposed?
  7. We are seeing to total meltdown into 100% liberal mental illness! [Hidden Content]
  8. What the heck did he just say?! [Hidden Content]
  9. Six returners and offense and eight on defense. Should make them fairly salty!
  10. I hope ECBucFan doesn't mind, but I'm re-posting what was posted on the sports forum: "Someone just had an elderly parent die in a nursing home. The person was very old and very terminal, life was measured in days and hours rather than weeks or months. The elderly person calmly passes away. Weeks later, the son is going through the paperwork from the nursing home. Cause of death listed? ---> "COVID RELATED". Son inquires about this with nursing home. Asks what diagonosis and when was it done leading to the COVID reason for death. Nursing home has no record of any diagnosis, nor any answer for son. The COVID numbers are highly manipulated, at least until post election." Pretty much confirmation what I posted above about the reporting of cases!
  11. Our brothers on the left need to sit back and reflect on this day.
  12. I'll beg to differ! There's a difference between actual and numbers being reported. I'm not saying that there are cases. I'm saying the reported cases are more. And the way they are reporting is a scam. Probably for money some how. I know originally that the government was paying hospitals per Covid case. So -- THERE is the catalyst. 1st: If some has Covid and they are asked how many they have been in contact with and the they say 40 then they report as 41 cases NOT 1. Anybody going to the hospital for anything -- the hospital is listing them as a Covid case. I would venture, which ever way the election goes, to say that after the election we want here anymore about this! It'll die as quickly as it came on us! If Biden wins, he'll be the miracle worker stated on the lame stream media 24/7. If Trump wins, it'll go silent and on the next thing to try and embarrass him (another hoax like Russia?). BTW -- did you see the video of Fauci ripping his mask off once the cameras shut off?! One loses credibility when one becomes a hypocrite!
  13. Think about it. Of the 22 on Offense and Defense, say the team has 20-21 makeup-up of black and 1-2 are white. Since we are talking being aligned with the make-up of something, that percentage doesn't come out to be the percentage make-up of what America looks like. Now does it?! If, for instance, for the sake of argument, in America the percent of white are 60 and blacks 40%. Then the offense and defense should be this percentage.
  14. Burgess Owens says there is no black national anthem! [Hidden Content]
  15. How about the current make-up of the teams? Should this reflect the make-up of anything?
  16. Again, socialism is for you/me -- NOT the socialist!
  17. [Hidden Content] Cruz responds. Where's Cornyn?
  18. This communist group is actually called BLM Global Network. Soros gave around 33 million dollars to BLM. But, BLM is not a charity organization that money given can be written off. But -- BLM is in alliance with Thousand Currents which is. So, you can figure out how the money is sent and then diverted. Also, BLM Global Network spend around 70 % on things (like salaries and administration fees) other than in the streest whining and complaining. Now, like this clip says -- where is the IRS? These people taking salaries, are they paying taxes? Plus, take a look at the website of Thousand Currents and you'll see one goal is "alternate economies!" [Hidden Content]
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