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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. @Big girl @UT alum Hey, UT, you want to make a comment on this as your "parting shot?"
  2. This is how it works, isn't it?! Oh wait -- that's only for certain situations!! LOL!
  3. From the article: "In honor of Pfizer-man Travis Kelce and the absurd Super Bowl commercial in which Pfizer advertised about curing the cancer they are causing I wanted to share these questions about Toby Keith. There is a lot here but the bottom line is that there are a lot of VERY compelling reasons to ask if the COVID vaccines are causing or exacerbating cancer. Some questioning whether the Covid-19 injections played a part in causing or exacerbating his (Toby Keith) condition." [Hidden Content]
  4. Well, at least that's a start! Keep it going!
  5. Another possible scenario: JoeBama stays in the race. If, and that's a big if, he wins, then within a short amount of time he resigns and then goofy VP becomes President. Knowing, again, how quota's are more important than anything else to the Dems, with the exception of illegal aliens, this is their best case scenario. PS -- Did anyone see where a Dem Senator from Connecticut said that illegal aliens are more important then anything?! SMH!
  6. Well, what interesting, and people can correct me if I'm wrong, during Neumann's time Nederland did play Kelly. I think it was at Lamar?!
  7. This is why I'm thinking JoeBama won't run for reelection. Make the announcement in March or April and then let anyone that wants to jump into the race. This way they won't have to deal with the black woman issue. @tvc184
  8. She thought she could hang with the big dogs. As always, but careful what you wish for! [Hidden Content]
  9. 1) Still is. Haven't seen a shift in this. 2) Is an ally of "America". Obama was not a supporter of Israel. Think of the money he gave to the terrorist regime Iran. Biden also unfroze billions in order for Iran to get this money. Obama bunch is running the show. So... Question: Why do you think Russia didn't invade Ukraine under Trump? Why do you think Hamas, controlled and funded by Iran, didn't invade Israel under Trump? China was quite under Trump. Why? So -- why did this all happen under Biden?
  10. What's your thought on my thought of JoeBama announcing in the Spring that he will not run for reelection? @thetragichippy
  11. With everything I seen so far concerning JoeBama and his future, the following makes more sense than anything else I've seen: What I think JoeBama is going to do is in the spring he'll announce that he's not running for reelection. The last sitting President to do it was L. Johnson on March 31, 1968. And we all know that Nixon, the come back kid, won. Trump would mirror that! Although the Dems like to say they are the "quota" party, I don't think he'll resign so they Dems can say that they have first black female President. They know she's worst than JoeBama. They put her on the ticket as an impeachment proof insurance policy. You could be looking at a Trump 50 State win. If this scenario, not running for reelection, plays out, thoughts on who would be the Dem nominee?
  12. Who said he did? Never mentioned him. I was making a point in opposition to what Ned just had.
  13. Don’t believe he was a head coach before. So, it’s going to be interesting to see the quality of his staff. Will tell us a lot moving forward.
  14. True! Good head coaches have good assistants. Bad head coaches have not so good assistants. That's the state Ned is in now. Time to bring in fresh blood!
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