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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Well, ConTheCon, your side failed again! [Hidden Content]
  2. BLM, hillary's and obama's radical God, Bill Ayers, said this: "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents." Well, how about his children go first?!
  3. Not only is she a marxist -- she's also a muslim?! [Hidden Content]
  4. HBO is now pulling The Wizard Of Oz because it offended so many people without brains!!
  5. From the article: "After all, size matters. The pore size of cloth face coverings range from ~ 20-100 microns. The Covid virus is 200-1000x smaller than that, at 0.1 microns. Putting up a chain link fence will not keep out a mosquito. Even the most esteemed medical journals admit their purpose is to calm anxiety. “Expanded masking protocols’ greatest contribution may be to reduce the transmission of anxiety …” [Hidden Content]
  6. You can if mayor puts out orders that the mob will be shot on site! We'll see how tough they are then!
  7. I'm sure Sodom and Gomorrah would have a totally different story to tell.
  8. I may send Gov. Abbott an email concerning this. Just to see what he has to say. Need to send the Jefferson County Judge the same email.
  9. An "eye for an eye!" Just saying! Destruction in the Bible for evil things is not uncommon!
  10. I've posted before about hospitals saying a patient has Caronavirus even when thy DO NOT! I beleive at the time, and still may well be, that the more Caronavirus related illness' the more more they get from the State or Feds. As always -- follow the money! BTW -- ol' ConTheCon is awful silent on this.
  11. Curious about something: Is is wrong to follow rioters home and burn their property? Just asking for a friend!
  12. Much as I figured! From the article: "Health officials in Texas are logging every single COVID-19-positive hospital patient in the state as a COVID-19 hospitalization, even if the patients themselves are admitted seeking treatment for something other than the coronavirus." [Hidden Content]
  13. More proof of BLM and communism! [Hidden Content]
  14. Look who's back after saying he's done! LOL!
  15. From the article: "Dunlap, a Democrat, told The Associated Press. “There’s no real evidence of it anywhere.”" What did you think the commie was going to say?!
  16. If there is no voter fraud, then why is your side always against requiring voter ID's?
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