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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. First of all, the GSA doesn't decide who is President. Second, losing in these lower courts is actually good: Quicker to the Supreme Court.
  2. Looks like Rudy and friends made the case! [Hidden Content]
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. KRAKEN. "We've got pictures of the check stubs paid to people to ballot harvest." Uh oh. It looks like @SidneyPowell1 got the *RECEIPTS.* pic.twitter.com/cUCAqmRJDI — Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 27, 2020
  6. Texas City scored 60 points against PN-G? How embarrassing!
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. From the article: "Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano (R-33) said Friday the Republican controlled legislature will seek to reclaim its power to appoint the state’s electors to the Electoral College. Mastriano, a retired U.S. Army Colonel, said he has been working with Pennsylvania House and Senate members on a joint resolution to “grab back” their constitutional authority from the secretary of state." [Hidden Content]
  9. This is actually good. Quicker to the Supreme Court!
  10. Trump got the most votes out of any President ever! And he loss the race?! But, he only lost it AFTER the polls closed. Oh but there's no fraud. SMH! But, Blue, I'm still curious, why do dead people only vote by mail in ballots? Can you help us understand? Oh, BTW, let me ask you this: If what Trump is alleging (voter fraud) is true -- will this bother you?
  11. Well, this is interesting! [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. No can do. Obama's got that distinction. he beat out Jimmy carter.
  14. Apparently you aren't concerned with gaining the truth by paying attention to what's going on with this. This come directly from Rudy Giuliani testifying before the Pennsylvania state legislature Wednesday laying our their case. I provided the link in the topic that starts with "Mysterious". Giuliani and Jenna Ellis would not get in front of these people and knowingly lie. They could lose their law licenses.
  15. What judge has obama ever appointed that has ever been a Constitutionalist?! He selected people that would make these types of decisions. Kagan and Sotomayor come to mind!
  16. How about helping us by explaining this: "Election Day Spike Gave Biden Nearly 600,000 Votes, Only 3,200 for Trump" Plus, maybe you know a little something about the way the post office works: In Pennsylvania, mail in ballots were returned a day "before" they were mailed. Help us out here!
  17. This man just looks evil! Figures he'd do UN-American things! [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  18. Congressman from Arizona is now calling for a recount in Arizona. Think about it -- Biden winning Arizona?! LOL! Plus a little more info on Dominion's Ties to the swamp: Donated $25-50K to Clinton foundation. $2.2M contract from Clinton foundation. Hired Pelosi's former Chief of Staff. Currently employs fmr Jeb Bush/Paul Ryan operative Michael Steel.
  19. Indeed it was impressive and powerful! [Hidden Content]
  20. Giuliani spent a good part of a day in front of the Pennsylvania state legislature providing evidence and witnesses. I even started a topic concerning this. I even mention you in it. Let's see if you have the intestinal fortitude to provide an answer!
  21. Giuliani said mail in ballots were returned the day after they were mailed out. He also said that mail in ballots were also received the same day they were mailed out. He then went on to say that mail in ballots were received the day before they were mail out. He said that's a bit tricky! Hey, Bluedove, UT Alum and PamFam -- can you help us understand how this is possible?
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