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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Reagan


    I guess just like the "L" needs to be added to NAALCP, we have to add it to BLLM. Since there was no riots for this black man, then only Black Liberal Lives Matter! Or should I say "liberal cause?!" [Hidden Content]
  2. Never give up -- never give in! [Hidden Content]
  3. Dog's got that arse! [Hidden Content]
  4. Black men represent 6% of the population & account for 44% of all murders. 13% of the population are black & commit 50% of all violent offensives. Violent white criminals have a 25% higher chance of being killed by the police than black criminals. A cop is 18 1/2 times more likely to be killed by a black than the other way around. [Hidden Content] The entire video (good) [Hidden Content]
  5. But this one was immediately sent to see her 77 male virgins!
  6. Was sent this by a friend. From and an article that was read: "The danger in upping the charge on Chauvin makes it more difficult to get the conviction the protestors seek. In discussing the situation with a few police friends of mine, they suggest that everything was done by the book - until Chauvin didn't get off his neck. The officers were apparently discussing their assumption that fentanyl was in his system, which is why they figured a squad car wouldn't work. Having the perp on his stomach in that situation is the standard, because apparently when you pass out you can asphyxiate yourself if you head moves the wrong way as you pass out. Chauvin we will probably learn just had no business being a cop - but a big city police force union is going to have the ability to prevent his dismissal unless he really screws up. And it appears he walked the line well enough to hang on."
  7. Sure it could. Just like running him down or anything else. The point is, anything could have killed him. He wasn't in good shape. Likes it's been stated, this cop, unless it was a hit job, didn't wake up that morning and say, you know what, I'm gonna kill a black today. Contrary to what some that are mentally ill are trying say. It's my understanding that the cop used methods approved worldwide to restrain. Control the head and the body follows. True or not true?
  8. From the article: "It turns out, for example, Floyd didn’t die of asphyxiation according to the medical examiner. According to the Hennepin County medical examiner’s report cited in the criminal complaint charging Officer Derek Chauvin with murder, he died of a heart attack. The autopsy also found Floyd had fentanyl in his system, had recently used methamphetamine, had coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease." [Hidden Content] He also had Caronavirus: [Hidden Content]
  9. Chauvin and Floyd had a past! [Hidden Content]
  10. Also, if these rioters feel they are oppressed, they are being oppressed by the Dems that run these Blue state and cities. If they stay there while knowingly being oppressed, then they are dumber than we thought!
  11. It's interesting to note that their were not any riots in Republican ran cities. I wonder why?
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