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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Like I've said -- all they (thugs) need is an opportunity! [Hidden Content]
  2. Much like the thugs and their "opportunity", did the the different state governments do the same thing? Did they see an opportunity to see what we would fall for? Not totally believing it at this point but just throwing it out there.
  3. Let me repeat -- all that thugs need is an OPPORTUNITY!
  4. What happened to "social distancing?" LOL!!
  5. WOW -- if I was morally outraged I guess the first thing I'd think to do is steal baby cloths! SMH! Oh, by the way -- Minnesota is a Blue State! [Hidden Content]
  6. Now to these thugs that rioted and burned their community -- was this true outrage or opportunity? Not sure stealing a flat screen screams "death outrage!" Just saying! [Hidden Content]
  7. These are two different questions: First, yes, the cop was wrong. Second, it appears some believe that the cop killed him. The medical examiner appears to disprove this.
  8. Only for you and me. The government does it all the time! LOL!
  9. So, this report is wrong?
  10. If nothing changed but his politics and Thomas was a Socialist, the NAALCP would have supported him 100%! Guaranteed! During his confirmation, he claimed that he was subjected to a "high tech lynch mob." There was basically silence by the NAALCP during this sad period! So, yes, the "L" is appropriate!
  11. Reagan


    Absolutely! Business' have to recoup loses incurred by the government-forced closure (unconstitutional?!) of their business'.
  12. People do realize that the "L" stands for liberal?! Think not? Ask Clarence Thomas if the NAALCP supported him when he had the chance to obtain the highest spot in his profession!!
  13. Reagan


    Like I've said before -- it's not going to stimulate anything. It's just part of the touchy-feely philosophy we have now-a-days. It has just put us deeper in debt.
  14. Because they are ran by those with mental illness. And they have sanctuary cities!
  15. Mayor says he's glad his city burned! [Hidden Content]
  16. Let's get it right: You mean the "NAALCP!"
  17. Not a problem. The Sodomite meaning here is gay
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