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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Proof?!
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. Black Lives Matter!! [Hidden Content]
  4. BP by as much as they want!
  5. Fauci tells Fox he 'didn't get any sense' that Trump 'was distorting anything' about coronavirus! I guess you didn't know this because your bible for news CNN -- Commie News Network didn't report it! [Hidden Content]
  6. No one has ever denied that the Swap was against him. Good thing that's not how we elect Presidents!
  7. Because he's got 2020 !!
  8. Is this the same Woodward that said he interviewed Bill Casey in a hospital while Casey was still in a coma to get dirt on Reagan?
  9. Enough to prolly win the district. But that's about it.
  10. Would be biden - 20!
  11. Facts tend to bore you? BLM is a communist organization!
  12. Newton is on its way down!
  13. This is the second liberal to post an accusation without providing a link as proof!
  14. I know your not smelling what I'm cooking. But that's all right. Nothing has changed on both sides. So, advantage goes to PN-G. Time will prove which one of us can brag about being right. It's all in fun anyway!
  15. Jasper by as much as they want!
  16. I'll ask you PamFam -- what's changed at Memorial that would lead you to think this will be the score?
  17. Was there some changes at Memorial that would make anyone think this?!
  18. I bet the college takes his money! LOL!!
  19. Boom!! Semper Fi! [Hidden Content]
  20. Go Sweden! Show the way!! [Hidden Content]
  21. I have a feeling Newton will be on its way down. JMO!
  22. [Hidden Content]
  23. The point is lost on you, my friend. Gave you ample opportunity to refute what was said. But -- you couldn't do it. All we heard was, bla bla, bla bla, Alex Jones bad -- socialism good!
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