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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. From the article: “They’re writing #COVID on all the death certificates. Whether they had a positive test, whether they didn’t.” – Michael Lanza Funeral Director, Colonial Funeral Home pic.twitter.com/QqHWQGU6qe" [Hidden Content]
  2. ABSOLUTELY! Part of the coup! There were dirty cops in the FBI. It started before Trump was inaugurated! [Hidden Content]
  3. Would like your opinion of the last paragraph. And exactly who is the CDC targeting with this statement that's in bold letters. [Hidden Content]
  4. From the article: "So imagine what Harris County, home to Houston, must be feeling right now given that when it’s all said and done, they will have spent about $17 million on a temporary hospital that has yet to see a single patient." [Hidden Content]
  5. Doctors in California say it's time to end the quarantine! [Hidden Content]
  6. I guess the question is: Did this person die because of 100% of the virus? Or did this person die because of something else and may or may not have had the virus? I've posted this link before. Look at the last paragraph. Pay close attention to what's in bold letters. Why would the CDC put this part in bold?? [Hidden Content]
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