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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. There are different forms. Can you drive a car without the permission of the government (master)? You need your car inspected then you need get a license sticker. Done yet? No. You need to have a drivers license. Only difference is the government doesn't force you to drive. How about fishing and hunting? Shall we go there? Like I said, it's been perfected to the point alot of people don't even realize it!
  2. Dang, I'm a little disappointed that no one would take a stab at this. But, I can understand why. If something happens for a long time, it becomes normal and no one thinks twice about it. Here goes: Think about all the stuff you have to get PERMISSION to do, just about anything, with a few exceptions, from a government entity.
  3. Pretty much what I figured! This is why I ask those here when they sight huge numbers, can we trust the news media that they are getting these numbers from? [Hidden Content]
  4. Come on -- you have to think outside the box!
  5. Let's hear what this might mean from different people here.
  6. This one is easy: If the Dems want it -- then you know it's wrong!
  7. I haven't heard any human rights organizations say anything abut this. Hummm! [Hidden Content]
  8. She wants Trump tried but says nothing about Communist China! Talk about SMH!
  9. I saw that Beijing and Shanghai does not have the virus. Also, I heard that China is buying up US stocks real cheap. [Hidden Content]
  10. Supposedly the code word is "Timber!" Kennedy grand children makes this video of the song Timber. Then -- 2 are lost in a canoe. Very interesting. Are they singing this because they know something? At this point it's all theory. Not saying I believe any of this. [Hidden Content] The weather was bad, it's cold and the water was choppy. And they go out in a "canoe?" I'm sure they have access to better boats. Then, they call off the search after 26 hours. Could be just a coincidence between this and the video. [Hidden Content]
  11. Not saying I believe any of these conspiracy theory's. But, interesting to look at them. As always, though, "time" is the great equalizer. Think about yourself for a second. Any tragic event that has happened while you were alive you probably remember where you were. For example, 9-11. I know exactly where I was and what I was doing. So, is there a reason Papa Bush don't want to remember where he was when Kennedy was assassinated? Just throwing it out there! [Hidden Content]
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