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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. So far this year…. 8,442 CV deaths this year…. 126,087 Seasonal flu deaths this year…. 11,022,377 Abortions this year… 1,296,338 Deaths caused by smoking
  2. Not saying your numbers are wrong. But, can you trust them? Are they coming from a news organization?
  3. is it any surprise that the highest rate of supposedly infected areas are also sanctuary cities?
  4. You are right: The lame stream media's motto has always been, "if it bleeds -- it leads!"
  5. Hey, I agree. But, we can't see in the bag (s). Plus we can't see in the semi-trailers. Not saying it's not true, though. But, which media do we trust? Again, there's been reports from the media about over flowing hospitals that turned not to be true. So much to point that the media that's maybe trying to fool us, now refuses to name the hospitals.
  6. Let me ask everyone here a question: Do you know anyone with the virus? Do you know anyone that knows anyone with the virus? Well, I can say no to both statements. Half way through this video, you'll see a "virus tent city" with no one there. Also, it's been stated that early on, the news media was naming names of hospitals that are being "over whelmed" with virus victims. Citizens have gone to record this and found these hospitals are basically dead. So, later, the news media is still reporting drastic amounts of virus victims "over whelming" hospitals but are now "not" naming the hospitals. Very interesting!
  7. They told us that plastic and paper grocery bags were bad. But it turns out that reusable bags contain germs and viruses, and now reusable bags are being banned! Then they told us to get on public transportation! Now buses and subways are where you can get sick. If the green new dealers had their way, while being socially distant, or quarantined in your home -- you wouldn't have your climate control systems. HVAC would not up and running. Your washer and dryer would not working. Your stove would not be working. During this miserable time, it would be misery at home, thanks to the liberal elite. But -- it's not that way is it?! We can thank capitalism!
  8. Coronavirus, 21,000 deaths. Seasonal flu, 113,000. Malaria, 228,000. Suicide, 249,000. Traffic fatalities, 313, almost 314,000 deaths. HIV/AIDS, 391,000 deaths. Alcohol related deaths, 581,000. Smoking-related deaths, 1,162,000. Cancer deaths, 1,909,000 deaths. Deaths attributed to starvation, 2,382,000 deaths. And death by abortion, 9,900,000.
  9. The difference is, is who the was back then. The lame stream media had a vested interest in making a bad President look good as possible!
  10. So -- why all the drama over the Chi-Com Wuhan Flu? Could it be political? The CDC is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services Swine Flu-The CDC estimates that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, there were 60.8 million cases, 274,000 hospitalizations, and *12,469 deaths (0.02% fatality rate) in the United States. [Hidden Content] For context, the CDC also list the below data: Poison/Drug deaths - 62,399 Automobile wrecks - 37,999 Death by fall - 37,455 Gun homicide - 13,958 (includes personal defense, police & murder) Swine Flu deaths - 12,469 Alcohol related deaths 10,220 [Hidden Content]
  11. Post service bankrupted by summer? If it's this bad off -- why not let it and then restructure it into a lean machine that can compete with teh private sector business' like Fed Ex and UPS. Unless -- all it is now is what I've stated it is... [Hidden Content]
  12. Then I hear in Pelosi's "Caronavirus" bill, that it mandates solar panels on airplanes. Evil is as evil does! Where's UT Alumni and Big Girl when you need them?!
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