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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Biden is an anti-Semite! So, since you "support" him, then that makes you a racist! Just using your logic.
  2. Silsbee by as much as they want!
  3. Any true conservative is a capitalist.
  4. Wrong, oh so wrong!!
  5. Liberalism/communism has ruined every place it's tried! If liberalism/socialism/communism worked -- Cuba would be a total paradise! I'll tell you this much -- it sure wasn't conservatism/capitalism that wrecked Cuba and Venezuela!
  6. President Trump is the only Constitutionalist in the race. So, you are right -- it's your decision! BTW -- you have heard why they call Biden "creepy ol' Joe", right? Just wondering!
  7. But -- I'm a nice girl! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  8. You say you aren't a socialist but yet you are going to vote for a socialist! What you do speaks so loudly we can't hear what you say!
  9. What conservative ideas have you embraced here?!
  10. Sure! Because he was a socialist!
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. You must be reading history according to obama!
  15. "Republicans passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Democrats Opposed It." It passed because the majority of the votes came from Republicans! Do your homework!
  16. PAMFAM10 -- you are getting a free education! If you think/feel any of this is not true, look it up and check it out for yourself. UNLESS -- you are afraid that it might go against what you've been taught!
  17. The Democratic party created the KKK. And the KKK became the police arm of the Democratic party. And a Republican freed the slaves. Am I wrong so far?
  18. What were they burning? [Hidden Content]
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