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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. It's a shame when democrats won't insure the safety of their people. Well, then, somebody has to do it! [Hidden Content]
  2. Have they band any thing concerning muslims? [Hidden Content]
  3. She has a right to be concerned. LOL! [Hidden Content]
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Could the reason we don't hear about these two states concerning the Caronavirus is that they don't have that many electoral votes?!
  6. So, trying to follow the Constitution bothers you?
  7. It's a sad state of affairs when this even has to be an issue. What right is wrong and what's wrong is right. Thanks commie-libs! [Hidden Content]
  8. We have these red diaper doper babies, snotty nosed white people marching and rioting with the BLM crowd. Now -- in what sane world would blacks allow whites to burn and loot their businesses? But they are allowing to happen. OK for the cause, I guess? Can anyone help me out here??!!
  9. Did this 1.7 billion dollar transfer to iran by your guy bother you? [Hidden Content]
  10. Not sure why the picture didn't display. It was a picture of the police helping during 9-11. Standing next to the cop and injured is a little snot bubble blowing dweeb with a shirt that says ban the police.
  11. I'm sure her economic degree was in Marxism 101 through to the final chapter!
  12. remeber, Steve -- CNN, MSLSD and the Washington Compost tells them what to think!
  13. 50th night of Democratic riots! [Hidden Content]
  14. How has President Trump disappointed you?
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