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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. The radical Dims are quietly pushing a very radical piece of legislation that's getting very, very little attention from the media! But, again -- how does one expose cock roaches? One turns the light on! [Hidden Content]
  2. The reason that I have heard -- is the United States Postal Service has become nothing more than a jobs program for minorities!
  3. So -- when the Constitution loses, that makes you happy? Hummmm...
  4. In the Texas primary, we know President is going to win. So -- let's vote in the dimocratic primary and cast our vote for Bernie! Bless his heart, he deserves it. Especially how he was treated by Hillarious Clintonista.
  5. Reagan


    [Hidden Content]
  6. Typical hypocrisy! Remember, again -- socialism is for you NOT the socialist! [Hidden Content]
  7. Voters don't care about impeachment! When the other side is destroying themselves, you get out of the way and let them! [Hidden Content]
  8. Let me float something: When we take back the House next January, can we over turn this unlawful impeachment? Since it has no Constitutional backing, it would seem that we could declare it "null and void!" The Dims had the to do it, then we'll have the votes undo it. Thoughts?!
  9. This is for Big Girl and UTAlum: The Constitution won today!!
  10. True. The Dims want to nationalize everything. Comrade Bernie wants to nationalize the electrical grid. I'm just curious: Who exactly are these people that are going to run everything if they do nationalize everything? Like you said -- the Dims can't even create a caucus app that works. But yet they tell us it's in our best interest that we let them nationalize the greatest country in the world. SMH!
  11. When President Trump talked about 7 Million coming off of food stamps -- Congressional Dimocrats hissed!!
  12. Let's face it, folks, the only reason the Dimocrats impeached President Trump was for the high crime of beating Hillary!
  13. And the hateful hits just keep coming! Hey, Big Girl -- what say you! [Hidden Content]
  14. Voter fraud?! [Hidden Content]
  15. Hummmm! One has to wonder... As a side note: This says the USPS has 7 unions. The question is -- why do they need any? [Hidden Content]
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