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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I'll go ahead and say it: WOS by as much as they want.
  2. Prediction time: Bay City by as much as they want! I was 1-1 last week. Shooting for 2-0!
  3. Antifa Communist get nailed in the nads!!
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. I guess Black Liberal Lives doesn't matter anymore! [Hidden Content]
  7. When you see your neighbors house getting robbed, remember -- they called the cops on you for not wearing a mask!
  8. I think biden just said the "harris/biden" administration. Interesting! But -- maybe he's been a follower all his life that he can't help it! SMH!!
  9. Maybe they were projecting forward! ๐Ÿ˜€
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Why is it that the Democrat base becomes violent when the police do their jobs?
  12. biden (AKA -- bidenista) was in the Senate for, what, 30, 40 years? During that time -- NOT ONCE did he sponsor anything concerning global warming!!
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. Love it!!!!
  15. Hagar, ol' buddy, are we going to have to get YOU drug tested?! ๐Ÿคช
  16. Someone must have heard you say Vidor's going to win the State Championship! ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„
  17. Why is it that liberals think it's necessary to do stuff like this. Who do they think they are pleasing with this stuff?
  18. The NFL overnight ratings saw a fall of 28% in the ratings from Sunday night last year to Sunday night this year! Boycott, Boycott -- Boycott!!!! [Hidden Content]
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. I'll say WOS "simi" by as much as they want!
  21. Actually -- it's NAALCP! Never forget that!
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