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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Are you a coach or former coach?
  2. So, coaches that win state always gets the talent. And those coaches that never make it to the big dance never get the talent throughout their career. What rotten luck! I'm going to post a factual scenario that debunks the "it's all about the talent" thought. Stay tuned! I will admit, though, if a bad coach has 22 animals then,yeah, he'll probably win. If the bad coach doesn't screw it up! But, how often does that happen? But, again, the thought that only certain schools always gets the talent is a little far fetched!
  3. Reagan


    What the frick?! [Hidden Content]
  4. Let's look at the PN-G situation. The coach they have is a decent coach and runs a respectable program. But, he had basically an all American QB and couldn't do anything with him. Do I think Surratt, Briles, Buchanan or Dodge could have won 1 or 2 Sate Titles with him? Absolutely I think they could. But, although it's pure speculation, I'll ask one more time: What in their past as coaches makes one think they couldn't?!
  5. Feel free to post something concerning the original topic. We are just having a respectful side discussion.
  6. it's hard to tell how long he stays. If he's there a while i would say give him 7 years. It took him 6 years to achieve his elite status at Stephenville. But, I would tend to believe that some bigger school will wise up and hire him. Again, just my opinion.
  7. Go back and look at my hi-lited post. LOL!!
  8. I'm glad you asked. Yes, I have 4 different categories of coaches: Poor, Good, Great and Elite. Every one of them is earned. And yes, I think any one you named could go any where and win a State Championship. It may take a few years to get it going. It took Briles 6 years to achieve his first Title. Then went on to win 4 out of 7 years. If you, or anyone else, are actually interested, go back and see how Stephenville was doing in football before Briles got there. Not very good! So, let me ask you: The coaches you mentioned -- what in their history makes you think they couldn't go anywhere and win a Titie? Again, I wouldn't put Mr. Danaher in the same category with Gordon Wood and G.A. Moore. These 2 have earned their Elite status. Again -- the Elite category is not very crowed. Just my opinion!
  9. LOL! You got a degree for that?! BTW -- Would I consider Scott Surratt a better coach than Phil Danaher --Yes! Only a fool would think other wise!! One is an Elite coach and one is a Great coach.
  10. The Bible says: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."
  11. I bet BigGirl, and the other liberals here, watches/reads everyone of these!
  12. No. Has to be 2 or more. The reason is just because of that scenario you stated.
  13. Good coach no. Elite coach yes. Very few have what it takes to win a state championship. If it's easy, then every coach would win some. But, the subject was Briles and Finney. Briles = Elite Coach Finney = Good Coach Oh, by the way -- This year's matchup: Briles 47 Finney 28!
  14. Since you didn't know -- I gave you correct answer: ZERO!!
  15. Good non answer! Let me help you out! ZERO!!
  16. How many State Championships has Finney won?
  17. Missiles fired by iran were paid for by obama! [Hidden Content]
  18. Perfect ending for Quasi Salamli. [Hidden Content]
  19. Hey, BigGirl, is this your big brother? [Hidden Content]
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