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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Just heard that since the he was impeached in his first term, and not removed in the Senate, the Constitution supposedly says that the first term become null and void therefore allowing Trump to run for two more terms! Thoughts?!
  2. Hey, Big Girl -- what say you? [Hidden Content]
  3. Big Girl -- why isn't the queen bee, pelosi, sending the articles of impeachment over to the Senate?
  4. Before I click on the article, I said I bet radical muslims were involved. And surprise, surprise, they were! From teh article: "The Danes have put extra resources into controlling the country's links to Sweden because of bombs going off in Denmark due to people coming from Sweden. The people from Sweden are Islamist criminals. Swedish society has changed for the worse, and the Swedish people are aware of what they have lost. All this is known, but what is interesting is that a former head of the Swedish truck-maker Scania, a Mr. Leif Ostling, has said Sweden is headed for civil war because of the problem of its violent migrants who have no inclination to integrate into Swedish society. The Islamist elements have most of the hand grenades in civilian possession, principally the M75 hand grenade from the former Yugoslavia. Hand grenade attacks in Sweden peaked at 40 in 2016. The Islamists also have more explosives on hand. In the first nine months of 2019, there were 97 explosions in Sweden. Even the BBC has noticed. A litany of horrors could be written about Sweden, with all the murders and rapes and knifings and so on, but just consider that there is an explosion just about every second day." It's amazing how some people and countries don't learn. If/when they do -- it's usually to late! I say it's never to late: Round them up and sent them back to where they came from! [Hidden Content]
  5. Remember -- the Dims opened up this can of worms. As i always say -- just tell me what the rules of the game are! [Hidden Content]
  6. True. But -- if things are bad in the BISD, well, I guess it would make sense.
  7. Top 10 zingers in this letter to commie pelosi! [Hidden Content]
  8. obama said, ""We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming America." Don't need more context. Explain to us what he meant!
  9. UT, let me ask you this: obama said, ""We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming America." If someone loves America, why would one make this statement?
  10. Will Texanlive being showing all the games?
  11. What did obama know and when did he know it?
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