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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Reagan


    Absolutely! Business' have to recoup loses incurred by the government-forced closure (unconstitutional?!) of their business'.
  2. People do realize that the "L" stands for liberal?! Think not? Ask Clarence Thomas if the NAALCP supported him when he had the chance to obtain the highest spot in his profession!!
  3. Reagan


    Like I've said before -- it's not going to stimulate anything. It's just part of the touchy-feely philosophy we have now-a-days. It has just put us deeper in debt.
  4. Because they are ran by those with mental illness. And they have sanctuary cities!
  5. Mayor says he's glad his city burned! [Hidden Content]
  6. Let's get it right: You mean the "NAALCP!"
  7. Not a problem. The Sodomite meaning here is gay
  8. A Sodomite as a governor?
  9. At this rate, would this be any reason to kill an economy?! Unless... [Hidden Content]
  10. Imagine that! A weasel supporting a dingbat!
  11. Lock down has cost more lives than it saved? [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. Breaking: Joe Biden says he will beat Joe Biden!
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