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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I don't know about ya'll, but this hire has me scratching my head. This guy is just a position coach. Not the coordinator. So, what makes him the right choice? Are they subconsciously trying to kill the program? If they are not, then I really don't know how it would look any differently. Thoughts?
  2. True. It was a search commiittee that was hired out of Dallas. But, there were resumes involved. So, hence the question.
  3. So, what's the difference between this guy's resume and the resume of the guy Lamar just fired?
  4. Ted Cruz lights up the FBI coup plotters! [Hidden Content]
  5. You are going to have to explain this one!
  6. The first sentence in this article states: " Texas has parted ways with offensive coordinator Tim Beck." I guess one can read that this only means he was demoted. But, does Lamar want someone that was just been demoted for job performance? Does he have a record of being a success as a college head coach? If not, I'm not sure Lamar has the time to roll the dice again. [Hidden Content]
  7. Didn't Herman just fire Beck for job performance?
  8. If this were true -- Venezuela would be a paradise!
  9. What happened to the bribery? What happened to the quid pro quo? What happened to the whistle-blower? What happened to all the shocking abuses of power? They are all gone!
  10. Good choice by Ms Campos. (Grin)
  11. One knows when they resort to this that the other side has lost it! [Hidden Content]
  12. if it's not about socialism then they won't understand it!
  13. And forever cement obama as the worst President in the history of the good ol' USA!
  14. Stump can't hang with the big dogs! Usually ends up this way!
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