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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Out of all those returning starters, they lost one? Also, what was their record before he got hurt?
  2. This is the mental illness that happens when liberals run cities! Good for Abbott! Clean the crap up!!
  3. From the SETXSports preseason review: "Head Coach Tim Finn will rely on a talented and experienced squad (seven starters on each side of the ball return in 2019). Apparently coaching failed them, unless injuries decimated them! Originally, I said to keep an eye on Baytown because of the returning starters. But...
  4. Julie Kelly lists all of Adam Schiff's failed attempts to get President Trump! [Hidden Content]
  5. From the article: " If the reporting is correct, it implies the “whistleblower” could have been worried Trump was getting close to uncovering Democrat links to Ukraine’s interference in US elections in 2016." [Hidden Content]
  6. "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
  7. Climate commies drop polar bear as their mascot! [Hidden Content]
  8. And the hits just keep on coming! [Hidden Content]
  9. Man, if there wasn't global warming, just think how cold it would have really gotten! [Hidden Content]
  10. From Rush Limbaugh: " The Never Trumpers were out saying that this move by Trump proved everything they had ever been saying about his unfitness and lack of qualifications. And it was all a setup. Announcing the troop withdrawal — we’re talking 50 American troops, advisers. But that was part of the strategy. It was part of the setup. It was part of setting up Baghdadi and his group. And it worked like a champ. "
  11. Another mentally ill, Un-American commie! [Hidden Content]
  12. Excellent! Killing the snakes one by one!
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