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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Hummmm, hadn’t thought of that. Very interesting! But, with that being said, I’m sure he’s an honorable man!
  2. If he wanted to coach again, then why isn’t he at Nederland?
  3. It is my understanding that Nederland has garnered some quality applicants for the head coaching job. Sounds like it’s looking good so far!
  4. ANOTHER DEI/Quota situation?! Are they hiring maintenance workers based on anything other than competence? [Hidden Content]
  5. Ask and you shall receive! But OF didn't pay attention when I said they should hire the Harmony coach. So, we shall see what happens.
  6. Well, it all depends on where OF's success bar is. But, from what I'm seeing from a few here he's got nothing to worry about! (Grin)
  7. Not sure what he was trying to accomplish by running this time around. I've said before that he should not run until 2028 which would be his time to win. He had to know he wasn't going to beat President Trump.
  8. ...on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS! WOW! Real secure! [Hidden Content]
  9. Concerning PNG, was Dodge the only one they hired to select their coach. Or, were there ex PNG players involved?
  10. From the article: " As you may recall, during the 2020 election, left wing groups used millions in ‘Zuckbucks’ to take control of local polling offices. Everyone concedes that this made a difference in the election, including people on the left. They admitted it in a Time Magazine article about how they ‘fortified’ the 2020 election. Even though many states have taken steps to address this issue in order to keep these folks away from the 2024 election, they are now trying to do it again by going at it on the federal level by working with FEMA. On Wednesday, in an email sent to a network of election officials and nonprofit organizations, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) announced it would begin efforts to facilitate applications to a massive federal government grant program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This program could potentially funnel more than $700 million to election offices during the 2024 election under the auspices of CTCL officials and their partners in the nonprofit world of left-wing election activism. CTCL is the organization that funneled hundreds of millions of Mark Zuckerberg’s dollars into key election offices to increase Democrat turnout in the 2020 election. CTCL announced in “ELECTricity,” its regular e-newsletter sent to thousands of election officials who are part of its network, that it will host a webinar on Jan. 25 to assist those officials in applying for FEMA’s 2024 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program." Using FEMA for election purposes? Got to be a law suit in here somewhere concerning this! [Hidden Content]
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