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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Originally from the WorldOMeter.
  3. California got played! [Hidden Content]
  4. Seattle field hospital dismantled because it’s not needed. Is this, again, the reality? [Hidden Content]
  5. In the last paragraph, this part of the above is in BOLD letters: "or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death." Seems to me they are trying to send somebody a message! [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. Absolutely, in one form are another! But, if one is stuck with what they think is slavery's only meaning, well, one will never understand any broader discussions of the word.
  8. If you are a Christian, then you are absolutely a slave to Christ. It's a broad term. Some are negative, some are positive. Parents, as long as you live in their house, then, yes, you are their slave. You go by their rules or you are out. You didn't like my drug addict/slave to drugs comparison? I know people have been "slavish" to the idea of what they think slavery is/was. You know, that it must have, can have, only one meaning. So therefore, any other use is foreign to them. So -- stop being a thought slave! Just kidding!
  9. The government has you right where they want you. Again -- it's been perfected!
  10. A drug addict is enslaved by drugs. Again, many forms of slavery!
  11. No, but you will be fined and possibly go to jail if you don't get the government's "permission" to fish or hunt. People take it for granted now on stuff like this because people thinks this is the way it has to be. Like I said, "it's been perfected." You don't pay your county taxes: They take your house. You don't think you are enslaved to the county government?
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. There are different forms. Can you drive a car without the permission of the government (master)? You need your car inspected then you need get a license sticker. Done yet? No. You need to have a drivers license. Only difference is the government doesn't force you to drive. How about fishing and hunting? Shall we go there? Like I said, it's been perfected to the point alot of people don't even realize it!
  14. Dang, I'm a little disappointed that no one would take a stab at this. But, I can understand why. If something happens for a long time, it becomes normal and no one thinks twice about it. Here goes: Think about all the stuff you have to get PERMISSION to do, just about anything, with a few exceptions, from a government entity.
  15. Steve -- here ya go! [Hidden Content]
  16. Hummm! [Hidden Content]
  17. Pretty much what I figured! This is why I ask those here when they sight huge numbers, can we trust the news media that they are getting these numbers from? [Hidden Content]
  18. This is probably what's happening.
  19. Come on -- you have to think outside the box!
  20. Let's hear what this might mean from different people here.
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