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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Looks like Stump got a little football education yesterday! 😎 Katy 56 Humble Atascocita 14
  2. By looking at these stats, it looks like a total domination by WOS. Although still needs a little work, they did cut their turnovers in half.
  3. Art Briles' team wins again: Mount Vernon 50 Farmersville 20
  4. This debate would be ugly for the snot-bubble blower! [Hidden Content]
  5. If WOS has the turnovers under control then it'll be all them. Maybe even a shutout. Last week, WOS had Nederland under control (14-0) before the fumbles started. Even with the turnovers WOS emerged victorious. A sign of a good team. I watched them early last year and wasn't impressed. But, they looked like a decent team this year. I was impressed with their QB's arm. That throw he made over the middle for their second TD was impressive. Plus the Chain Gang appears to be back!
  6. NRA needs to start a nation wide boycott of Walmart. I'm sure the threat would be all it would take for Walmart to fold. [Hidden Content]
  7. Are there any stats for the game? I've looked a few places and couldn't find any.
  8. They may be the enlightened generation. I saw were someone said they were fighting to get back in school! Maybe! LOL!!!! [Hidden Content]
  9. It's quite obvious that this "reporter" was not there to report what was going on. She was there to take a side. And it wasn't the "right'" side! [Hidden Content]
  10. If anyone needs a second opinion: [Hidden Content]
  11. The climate commies: Do as I say -- not as I do! [Hidden Content]
  12. Climate Commies foiled again! No warming since 2005. [Hidden Content]
  13. For anyone that didn't know, or understand, this is what an oppressed minority looks like! obama's third mansion pic. [Hidden Content]
  14. Good questions. Thinking out loud, and have not completely formed an opinion, I would say yes on continuing to pay. Because you don't have to take the Million dollar offer at or after 60. This would be optional. Maybe only optional at first? Just thinking. Again, not paying any form of taxes on this Million dollars would the the off-set of paying into the fund through the years. Haven't really checked into this, but would a middle class person pay into Social Security over a Million dollars, say, working for 40 years?
  15. From Rush Limbaugh concerning this: "The Obamas have just sunk $15 million into something that may not be there in 10 years because of climate change and rising sea levels. So why would the Obamas do that? Why would the brilliant Barack Hussein O plunk down $15 million on a property that’s gonna be ruined and destroyed inside of 10, maybe 12 years at the outside because of climate change? Well, let’s see. What could the answer be? Maybe because they know that this whole climate change thing is nothing but a gigantic left-wing agenda-driven hoax! Seriously, folks! Seriously! You can make jokes, we can crack about it, laugh about it, but why the hell would — Look, left-wing voters, Democrat voters believe that their standard-bearers really, really passionately believe this stuff."
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