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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. The one in Ohio was an Elizabeth Warren supporter. Also this individual did support antifa. So, once the lame stream media finds this out, they'll strictly focus on El Paso.
  2. Another liberal dweeb! [Hidden Content]
  3. Are you planning on posting all the games you'll be attending through the season like you did last year?
  4. El Paso terrorist is a hard core progressive! [Hidden Content]
  5. The left vs the crazy left! [Hidden Content]
  6. Still curious about this statement since there hasn't been any practice yet. Your thoughts?!
  7. Harris brings a knife to a gun fight! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  8. The thing that is/was missing is that there are not any American flags any where! I shouldn't be surprised though!
  9. In the top 2 pictures -- notice anything missing?! [Hidden Content]
  10. With Mueller's testimony, it has become clear that the majority of the time he was not running the show. Just hauling in the money through the rape of the taxpayer. I feel the one running the show was Andrew Weissmann. With the unfortunate early morning raids on people being his modus operandi, this, to me, proves what i have felt all along. Which is Mueller was a figure head shortly after this witch hunt began.
  11. Type in the above subject heading in Youtube. It should come up.
  12. Good! Promises made -- promises kept!
  13. I thought I was on your ignore list! LOL!!
  14. My apologies. I looked at the wrong box! It was the game before State. But they did beat Carthage none the less!
  15. You want to re-think this before I comment?
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