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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Well, AOC just called the original race baiter, Nancy Pelosi, a racist! I love it!
  2. If this is were communities set their bar, then they are satisfied.
  3. Bless her heart! It must be tough being a total idiot!
  4. Sharp new helmets for the Cards! S
  5. Sorry I haven't responded sooner. The simple fact, in my opinion, is coaching. PN-G for the past two years have had one of the best, if not the best, QB's in the State. And by your own admission PN-G could only share in the piece of the pie. So, what do you think they will do with less talent? Plus, in this district, is sharing a piece of the pie really that hard?
  6. Bible says if you don't work, you don't eat. Doesn't sound very socialist to me. Sounds like personal responsibility. .
  7. One knows there is voter fraud. This is verified through the fact that the Democrats fight so hard against voter ID laws.
  8. But -- the telling factor is she stayed silent for 30 years. Then, one week before his confirmation she lays this on him. Again -- she needs to be in jail!
  9. More proof on her scrubbing her digital media tracks for the accusation! This women needs to sued and held accountable! [Hidden Content]
  10. And let's not forget what Liberty Hill did to Cartage in the state Championship running the Slot-T. If done right, it's formidable!
  11. WOS, I like these conversations. Because like i said before: a one-sided conversation goes nowhere fast and is boring!
  12. Ethridge was the nucleus of everything you have stated. PN-G played more talented teams. Again -- remember Kashmere. Permian was talented also. Yes, these were good players. Ethridge got these player to play above their potential. As you have stated, PN-G had talent in Bergeron and sat home. It would have been real interesting to see what Ethridge could have done having Bergeron for 3 years. Trust me, I know about the Lincoln situation. I think Ethridge, with Bergeron, could have taken care of Lincoln for one simple fact: Ethridge would have out-coached Joe Sr. Which he actually did later on. PN-G actually had more talent than just Bergeron. So, yes, I personally think Ethridge would have won 1, maybe 2 State Titles with Bergeron. Now, as for as the staff. You are correct, they were great. But that's part of being an elite coach. It was Ethridge who assembled that staff. During that time frame, there is no one who could have done with PN-G what Ethridge did, in my opinion. Now, don't get me wrong. Talent doesn't hurt. But -- if the coaching is not there the talent won't help. Talent didn't seem to help PN-G this year, did it? Would an Art Briles have made a difference with the QB PN-G had this past 2 years. I would say he would have made a strong push for the Title. But, unfortunately for the Injuns, you'll never know!
  13. With Ethridge it was not just his run at PN-G. Remember, he had a State Title prior. Yes, there are circumstances that happen. But, as Cornel found out in his last State appearance, somebody gonna win and somebody's gonna lose. But he was there! Now, for mediocre coaches these "circumstances" tend to happen every year. These are the coaches that blame the lack talent for their failings. Actually, they personally won't: Their sympathizers will. No, Danaher doesn't make my list. Like i said, the bar is high and list is short. trust me, the list is impressive. But on the other hand, I wouldn't be disappointed if he coached my team. Like i said, he is good.
  14. Because nothing is guaranteed. There could have been many factors involved. His actual accomplishments is the reason he's on my elite list. My elite list is not based on records. Because records can be deceiving. It's based on State Championships won. At least 2. I really don't know what Art Briles record is. I do know he won 4 State Championships. Now, this one will surprise you: Phil Danaher, at Calallen, has a killer record and is a good coach. But, no State appearances yet. So he's not on my short list of elite coaches.
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