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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Here, again, is a great comparison: This group, and I'm sure there are many clones, wants B. Kavaugh fired because "allegations" were made against him. NOT because they were true. I read an article that said Baylor DID NOT fire Briles because of cause. [Hidden Content]
  2. From the article; "Baylor has changed its tune on former coach Art Briles, now saying he had no role in covering up sexual assaults by football players. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Friday that the university sent a letter to Briles May 23 offering support for the former coach. The letter, signed by Baylor's general counsel, Christopher W. Holmes, states, "As you speak with others regarding these issues, you can be assured you may make certain statements without fear of contradiction from Baylor based on the information currently known to us. "In particular, at this time we are unaware of any situation where you personally had contact with anyone who directly reported to you being the victim of sexual assault or that you directly discouraged the victim of an alleged sexual assault from reporting to law enforcement or University officials. Nor are we aware of any situation where you played a student athlete who had been found responsible for sexual assault."" Ok, you anti-Briles bunch -- what say you? [Hidden Content]
  3. WOW!! Now even creepy Ol' Joe is implicated! [Hidden Content]
  4. There aren’t that many “great” coaches. Art Briles is one on my short list!
  5. What's actually more disturbing is how many people do not believe in the great American philosophy of "innocent until proven guilty!" And by the way -- one can only be an apologist for Art Briles if he actually did something wrong to apologize for!
  6. Difference is Manson was found GUILTY and sent to prison. He wasn't accused of something and still walking the streets. Point I'm making is anyone can accuse anyone of anything. And how many times is it not true. Just ask Bret Kavanaugh. Ask Trump on Russian collusion. People now have an opinion of Briles based on what others have said. And these people that have formed this opinion is believing people they don't even know. Up until this Baylor situation, Briles was a model citizen. So, I ask, what changed? Remember -- Joe Paterno was a class act for many years. Then all of a sudden towards the end he became a dog that had to leave his job. I didn't believe it about Paterno. I didn't believe it about Kavanaugh. I didn't believe it about Trump. And, yes -- I don't believe it about Briles!
  7. Again -- what was he found guilty of? Probably the same people that think Trump colluded with Russia thinks Briles was actually found guilty of something!
  8. I don't recall Briles being found GUILTY of anything. If I remember right, Briles wanting to fight the allegations but then decided not to. This piece in Forbes was a hit piece by an apparent dweeb. This ol' boy looks like he got his lunch money taken from him when he was young and couldn't do anything about it. I bet he votes Democratic! Anyway, In the article, he bashes Trump. Then he bashes the Texas legislature. Then he says, " Briles oversaw a similar culture when he coached at Texas' Stephenville High in the 1990s." Seriously?! He was at Stephenville for 12 years. Nothing said. He was at Hamlin and Georgetown. Nothing said. From the article: " Legendary football coach Grant Teaff, former Executive Director of the American Football Coaches Association and supervisor of the association’s Ethics Committee, offered an unqualified positive recommendation for Briles. “I have known Art Briles for over 30 years as an extremely successful high school coach and through his years as a college coach. I have observed him as a man, husband, father, grandfather, and as a coach, always forthright and stellar,” said Teaff. Teaff also noted that Briles never incurred a single recruiting infraction during his time at the collegiate level, and previous supervisors and other references also provided strong recommendations. ... " Concerning this, I had the same feelings when people wanted to railroad Joe Paterno! Art will do a great job at Mt Vernon. And the citizens will have nothing to be worried about.
  9. OUCH!! I'm sure they are not the only ones! [Hidden Content]
  10. Global warming is a hoax. And like I've always said -- the left will always change the name,and direction, if what they are using isn't scaring you. Remember, back in the early years it was global cooling. That didn't work, so... [Hidden Content]
  11. Another snowflakes gets hit with reality!
  12. Since we just got through with income tax season, a thought occurred to me: When one signs to pay their income taxes, they sign under "penalty of perjury!" What got me thinking was -- what other taxes does one pay under "penalty of perjury? When you buy gas you just pay the tax. Actually when have pay any tax you just pay the taxes. So, why would paying federal income taxes be any different?! Thoughts?
  13. [Hidden Content]
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