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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. If we are growing so much, then why are we still at the 5A level? PN-G with their bonds hasn't brought any new student increase in students. They are still sitting at the 5A level. And what narrative is Klein trying to push? If you are talking about the student growth, well apparently it's really not there to justify putting us in debt to the tune of $156,000,000!
  2. I heard that Mueller knew a year and a half ago that there was not any collusion. So, the question is -- why did he prolong it? For more money? To see if he could turn somebody? I would investigate that!
  3. Facts don't care about your feelings!
  4. Just another talking point. I'm sure something else Bob Meeks told them to stress. But, if it's true, it hasn't affected the quality of the educational system in Nederland. It's excellent now and will continue to be excellent when/if this massive bond fails.
  5. So, you are saying that the education right now in Nederland is bad?
  6. How do you know there wasn't an impact?
  7. Again, CardinalBacker, this is not about being able to educate more children better. We already know that the system in Nederland is excellent. So, it's about a whole lot more. Like keeping up with the Jones' and other things! 99.9% of this massive bond will NOT educate one child!
  8. First of all, you are right, we don't know the impact yet. But, can anyone reasonably doubt that there will be one? Who says there wasn't an impact on business' and employees in Port Neches? Put your bias aside for one second and think: Do you believe these business' are going to eat these tax increases from the bond if/when it passes?
  9. Good question! Why didn't this happen when obumer was in office. It's clearly a designed invasion. Trump has every right to block it!
  10. Maybe some Dem supporters can tell us why?! [Hidden Content]
  11. Steve, you think VSEO was one of the 5 I had mentioned in the post you responded to? Maybe a little reincarnation going on here?!
  12. Where did I say anything about closing? Read it again! Address what I actually said.
  13. Also, tax increases are never good for the economy. Some residual effects from raising these company's taxes: Employees may not get the kind of raises they may otherwise expect. Their bonuses, if they get any, may be smaller. Plus these company's might not hire the extra person they might otherwise if this tax increase didn't happen. I'm sure Bob Meeks told the board and CAC to only give the sugar coated parts. They may have, but I don't remember any pro-bond people on this sight talking in terms of the total bond cost of $156,000,000 and the consequences it will have on business'. Oh, they say, it'll only cost a couple of boxes of donuts per month per X evaluation. Of course on that I'm being facetious. But you get the point! Interesting indeed!
  14. CardinalBacker, can you imagine how much more in taxes all these business' listed are going to have to pay if/when this massive bond passes?
  15. I bet you thought Hillary was going to win also!
  16. $156,000,000! Plus interest, this figure becomes even more massive. And you can't spin this no matter how you look at it.
  17. You are right: It's all about keeping up with the Jones'. That's never been a sound way to make policy. Again -- IMO, 99.9% of this bond will not educate one child!
  18. How many migrants have AIDS like this woman? [Hidden Content]
  19. Can anyone say with a straight face that obama knew nothing about any of this?! [Hidden Content]
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