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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Although true, there will be a greater effect on the family budget than that. I'll explain closer to May 4th. So -- do you have an answer for the question I actually asked?
  2. OK, again, this commie judge is an obama appointed judge. Right before obama left office, he signed this executive order banning drilling here. Trump gets into office and signs an executive stating we will drill there. The judge blocks it and says Trump needs congressional approval to do this. But -- obama didn't! Again, more evidence why these judges were put in place by obama. [Hidden Content]
  3. Some think that if this case had moved forward a VIP would have been implicated! [Hidden Content]
  4. OK, if the bond passes, the principal amount is $156,000,000. But, there is interest on this. So, after the bond is paid off, including principle and interest -- what will be the actual total cost of the bond to the taxpayer?
  5. I'll say it again -- there should not be a Dept Of Education! #EliminateItNow
  6. One interesting thing that did not happen: After the charges were dropped -- no white people rioted with their faces covered. No one destroyed anything. No one was harmed. No business' destroyed. Just thought I'd bring this up. Did anyone else notice how quite it was over there?!
  7. It's a no-win situation for the new coach either way. I'm not talking about the team not being able to win. Go back and re-read what I stated.
  8. I think Neece made the right choice. Newton is a no-win situation for coach now. When the next coach comes in and wins, they'll say that's the way it always has been and maybe no credit to the new coach. If the new coach starts to lose then it's his fault because Newton always wins. At Anahuac, since they've been down and he wins, then it's all on him. To me, it's a better situation for him.
  9. BAM!! ttps://www.dailywire.com/news/45143/breaking-ocasio-cortezs-green-new-deal-fails-ryan-saavedra
  10. Absolutely! And that's OK. A one sided debate is like a train with square wheels -- gets nowhere fast!
  11. So, you are equating the NISD's education to being in the dark ages? Come on, even you don't believe that! People come here all of the time because they know their kids will get a good education. Thanks for your comments. You are correct. But this is not what I'm talking about.
  12. Again -- what you are saying is true. But, what I'm saying is that there is more it than that that will affect the family budget! Nobody is ignoring anything. But, again, not the whole story. I'll ask, and others, to just think about it!
  13. It takes snakes on one side of the political isle to believe a snake!
  14. Sure he was! William Barr just did it. Anyway, let me ask you a question: How can there be obstruction on something that did not happen?!
  15. Although possible, It would be hard for a family to escape a hit to the family budget if this massive $156,000,000 bond passes. And you are right it will vary. And since you are apparently unaware of what I'm talking about -- you can only assume, can't say, that a family's budget will not be impacted at all. All I've ask the pro-bond people to do is to think about what this family budget hit could be. Silence! So, I can only presume that one doesn't know or one doesn't want to talk about it. But, again, closer to the vote I will explain. Next: Never said said lying to the voters. Showing me where I've said lying to the voters. I'll wait... Anyway, just not telling the full story. when one are trying to sell something, one doesn't show the negatives, now do they? I'm sure even you would concur! So, you are saying that NISD does not have right now all it needs to be an excellent school district? I disagree with you in the fact that you think that the students of NISD are so poorly taught that they don't even have the "basic needs!" Your words!
  16. Hagar -- this Democratic ticket would be the icing on Trump's 2020 victory cake!
  17. Wrong! I have been through these schools many times. Don't need a biased guided tour! Anyway, buildings do not educate students. Let's build a Taj Mahal so the students can feel good about themselves. But in reality, mat, a good student will prevail no matter what the building looks like. I'm making a broader point, but not agreeing our buildings are bad. How many people are actually leaving Nederland because of the school district? I say people come to Nederland because of the school district!! If the bond fails -- the educational excellence in Nederland will still be there!! Prove to me otherwise!
  18. Now the left's position is that there is a cover up concerning the Mueller report! [Hidden Content]
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