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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Who do you think is in charge of setting this fix? And when will it take place?
  2. Like we have said before -- it's the "Election Variant!"
  3. That's why I said it all depends on how systemic the bad is. Under normal circumstances you usually give a coach 1 year to install his system. Second year should show marked improvement. Third year should start competing for a Title. But, like you have stated, it all depends how deep the bad is as to how long it'll take.
  4. Well, maybe somewhat true. This was year 17 for them. Maybe that's their limit. Remember, PNG's was 12 years. And Vidor didn't have any limits. But, looks like they are slowly coming around to the fact that, if they care, limits are needed. Do I hear an Amen! LOL!!
  5. Things at PNG wasn't as bad as they were towards the end at Nederland. PNG probably had the good players from the halls that were already playing when the new coach got there. Kids quit and never came out because how bad Nederland had become. Get the right coach and start winning and you'll see how many kids you'll have available.
  6. The article said he was actually relieved of his duties. I wonder why?!
  7. I'm hearing Nederland is getting some excellent coaches applying. Anyone else hear the same thing?
  8. Ignore this invasion at your own peril. Why would they want to "immigrate" into places like, for instance, Sweden and Denmark? They have nothing in common there. Well, you see in this article what their intentions are! [Hidden Content]
  9. Trump Shatters Record for Biggest Win in History of Iowa Republican Caucuses! Keep indicting him! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  10. It all depends on how systemically bad they are. Thoughts?!
  11. The 48 points da 'Boys gave up was the most allowed in a playoff game in franchise history! And they are talking about the DC as being a HC somewhere? SMH. As long as J. Jones is the GM NOTHING will change. He needs to give that part up. But -- his ego will not allow it!!
  12. Typical commie response. When you act like the devil and then get caught you then scream that you are a victim! [Hidden Content]
  13. From the article: "Americans were stunned on Sunday afternoon after Fox News reported the Federal Aviation Administration, overseen by Mayor Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s Transporation Department, rolled out a new “Diversity and Inclusion” program to hire people with “severe intellectual disability” and “psychiatric disability” (among various other disabilities), just days after the latest mid-air near-disaster involving a Boeing 737 Max heightened the public’s attention to the potentially deadly impact of woke Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies in the skies. “Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website read. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability, and dwarfism.” The FAA’s “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) hiring plan claims that “diversity is integral to achieving FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond.”" [Hidden Content]
  14. Saw on Twitter a coach posted a picture of the Dallas vs Green Bay game. He said it's the 4th quarter and Dallas is losing 41-16. Green Bay has the ball. He says you know GB is going to run the ball. So -- why is Dallas running a defense with 2 high safeties?! Is the DC trying to get fired? Or is the DC trying to get the HC fired?
  15. @Big girl @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood
  16. From the article: "It was revealed this week that a member of the Chinese Communist Party secretly purchased 198,000 acres of U.S. farmland, back in 2015. Chen Tianqiao, a co-founder of Shanda Interactive Entertainment, made the purchase of Oregon land for $85 million, paying around $430 an acre, according to Land Report magazine, the New York Post reported Saturday. “In 2015, Tianqiao Chen acquired nearly 200,000 acres of former Crown Pacific timberlands in Oregon from Fidelity National Financial Ventures for $85 million ($430 per acre),” the magazine said. “Chen did so via the investment vehicle Whitefish Cascade Forest Resources LLC. In December 2023, Oregon tax records revealed that the 198,000-acre block was currently owned by Shanda Asset Management LLC.” According to the Daily Mail, Chen’s purchase does not show up in government records of land ownership by foreign investors." [Hidden Content]
  17. As long as nothing changes (Jerry Jones) nothing will change! SMH!
  18. My friend, it’s not the offense — it’s the coach. Ask the folks at PNG!
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