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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Big Girl, put your biases aside and be honest: Which of the two articles of impeachment meet the criteria of impeachment outlined by the Constitution?
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. True. But I'm not sure it states how big it has to be. Can it be one office with one employee and still satisfy the Constitution? I'll explain shortly what I've heard about the USPS.
  4. No one is in the least bit curious why the United States Postal Service is allowed to lose Billions and Billions and Billions of dollars a year and nothing is really ever done to solve this?!
  5. Are you talking about United?
  6. The Postal Service has incurred cumulative net losses of $63.6 billion from 2007 through June 30, 2017! One must oneself: Why does Congress continue to allow these massive billion losses per quarter and per year? I think quotes about Hispanics in the previous post may be a telling indication!
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. Any one know the racial breakdown of the total employee number of the USPS? I've heard something that will be discussed later when/if we find the numbers.
  10. He is not! He couldn't even beat the worst President in modern history. That's a pure walk of shame. He had Ronald Reagan's playbook on how to beat a horrible sitting President and wouldn't use it!
  11. You are welcome. Always glad to help you and Budrick out with any understanding!
  12. Oh, I didn't realised you didn't understand my 1st and 2nd sentences when you asked the question. Let me help you and Budrick out. 1st sentence translation: No, I am not a coach. 2nd sentence translation: what I state is my opinion. 2nd sentence backs up the 1st. Always glad to help!
  13. Biden would consider Robert O’Rourke as VP because he is Latino! From the article: "“Yes, I would. I’d consider either or both of them (the other being Julian Castro),” he replied before delving into a discussion about having Latinos in his White House." [Hidden Content]
  14. Where , when what?
  15. The reason they cancelled the Friday meeting was because Tyler ISD and Briles' agent have not been able to come to an acceptable agreement yet! (Grin) [Hidden Content]
  16. I never once stated on this forum that I was a coach. I try as often as I can to say that what I state is my opinion. But, your buddy Buddy stated that he "knows" real football unlike others here. So, just wanted to know if he was a coach that would qualify him to make such a statement. And by his silence, he answered it.
  17. Well, actually -- you just answered it. Thanks!
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. So, let me understand something: these terrorist thugs couldn't take square knives and file them down to where there is a point on them? Of course they can! Again -- more proof that liberalism is s mental disease!
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