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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Let's look at the PN-G situation. The coach they have is a decent coach and runs a respectable program. But, he had basically an all American QB and couldn't do anything with him. Do I think Surratt, Briles, Buchanan or Dodge could have won 1 or 2 Sate Titles with him? Absolutely I think they could. But, although it's pure speculation, I'll ask one more time: What in their past as coaches makes one think they couldn't?!
  2. Feel free to post something concerning the original topic. We are just having a respectful side discussion.
  3. it's hard to tell how long he stays. If he's there a while i would say give him 7 years. It took him 6 years to achieve his elite status at Stephenville. But, I would tend to believe that some bigger school will wise up and hire him. Again, just my opinion.
  4. Reagan


    [Hidden Content]
  5. Go back and look at my hi-lited post. LOL!!
  6. I'm glad you asked. Yes, I have 4 different categories of coaches: Poor, Good, Great and Elite. Every one of them is earned. And yes, I think any one you named could go any where and win a State Championship. It may take a few years to get it going. It took Briles 6 years to achieve his first Title. Then went on to win 4 out of 7 years. If you, or anyone else, are actually interested, go back and see how Stephenville was doing in football before Briles got there. Not very good! So, let me ask you: The coaches you mentioned -- what in their history makes you think they couldn't go anywhere and win a Titie? Again, I wouldn't put Mr. Danaher in the same category with Gordon Wood and G.A. Moore. These 2 have earned their Elite status. Again -- the Elite category is not very crowed. Just my opinion!
  7. LOL! You got a degree for that?! BTW -- Would I consider Scott Surratt a better coach than Phil Danaher --Yes! Only a fool would think other wise!! One is an Elite coach and one is a Great coach.
  8. Explain!
  9. The Bible says: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."
  10. I bet BigGirl, and the other liberals here, watches/reads everyone of these!
  11. No. Has to be 2 or more. The reason is just because of that scenario you stated.
  12. Good coach no. Elite coach yes. Very few have what it takes to win a state championship. If it's easy, then every coach would win some. But, the subject was Briles and Finney. Briles = Elite Coach Finney = Good Coach Oh, by the way -- This year's matchup: Briles 47 Finney 28!
  13. Stop! You are confusing WOS!
  14. Since you didn't know -- I gave you correct answer: ZERO!!
  15. Good non answer! Let me help you out! ZERO!!
  16. How many State Championships has Finney won?
  17. Missiles fired by iran were paid for by obama! [Hidden Content]
  18. Perfect ending for Quasi Salamli. [Hidden Content]
  19. Hey, BigGirl, is this your big brother? [Hidden Content]
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. But yet you have sympathy for an evil killer like Quasi Salami! Amazing!
  22. BigGirl, what a surprise you coming down on the side of the evil Quasi Salami! You do realize he's orchestrated the killing of hundreds of Americans? I guess pure hate for someone causes you to go against everything the one you hate does, even if it's good for America! From this article: " President Trump said Friday Soleimani "was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel," and that the action was taken "to stop a war," not start one."
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