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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. How President Trump decided to kill soleimani! [Hidden Content]
  4. Biden's doing his part against America! [Hidden Content]
  5. Kills more terrorist!! [Hidden Content]
  6. Unlike obama and Hillarious Clintonista concerning Benghazi . [Hidden Content]
  7. Happy New Year!!
  8. But the question is -- who is leaving? Why would socialist want to leave a state that has been socialized? I figure, and hope, that those that are leaving (the good ones) are escaping the Socialist Republic of Commiefornia! If that's the case, then we should welcome their vote!
  9. Indeed they can! I saw an article about California losing Representatives because of this! Hopefully New York is not far behind! And this also means a loss in the Electoral College!
  10. What does New York And California have in common?! [Hidden Content]
  11. Well, maybe they'll do the right thing and send her to her 72 male virgins! Does one actually think this individual will ever repent and be an asset to society? [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. Glad you asked. As a matter of I did watch them play this year. I went to the Atlanta game. Since around August I have been in email contact with Briles and MV's Superintendent. I told Briles that there are some people that still believes in "innocent until proven guilty." And that I feel he got rail-roaded. He thanked me for my support. I also sent an email to the Superintendent thanking him for the hire and that he did the right thing. He invited me to his office when I get in town. We had a nice visit. Talk about a really good and honest guy! I was there in support of people doing the right thing. I wanted to see how it looked first hand. The stands were full. At the half, I talked to the lady that was selling caps. She said she adored coach Briles. It was a very interesting experience!
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. UT, one question: Are you better off now than you were four years ago?
  17. Hope they don't dummy up like UTSA and Lamar did!
  18. It's amazing what happens when you tell a lie long enough! [Hidden Content]
  19. [Hidden Content]
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