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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Is this a winning strategy? [Hidden Content]
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. Zero evidence! If the Dems actually had anything on Russian collusion, they would not have lead with stormy daniels and racism. Like I've always said -- when one is losing the argument one starts screaming racism! [Hidden Content]
  5. True confessions of Texas vote harvesters. [Hidden Content]
  6. UT, PS: I would direct you to the10th Amendment to the Constitution. Give it a read and tell us if it mentions anything closing resembling the right to an abortion?! Also, after reading it, would you think it more reflects the modern day liberal philosophy or modern day conservative philosophy? And i do appreciate your comments!
  7. So, let's understand something: There was not a law that the states were violating because no law was ever passed. Since there was not federal law to site, the Supreme Court ruled that states were violating the Constitution? Maybe you can help us: Were in the Constitution does it mention that abortion is Constitutional? This following article is entitled: "William Brennan and the Creation Of A Right To An Abortion". From the article: " In case after case, with no tenable basis in constitutional text or history, Brennan supplanted the policy choices of elected representatives with his own views." I believe it was Brennan who once said that he basically knows there is not a right to an abortion in the Constitution but that he personally feels that abortions should be legal. This why it's always been on very legal shaky ground and will, hopefully, be easily overturned. [Hidden Content]
  8. Laws are made by our legislature. Show me which law it was they passed that made abortion legal?!
  9. I do listen to Rush. Don't know if he says it or coined. But -- apparently you listen to him to make such a statement!
  10. Typical commie-pinko: Do as I say -- NOT as I do! SMH!! [Hidden Content]
  11. Hagar, it's the same thing that happened to all the women that Justice Kavanaugh was supposed to have attacked. Once the lie is not needed anymore then it goes away.
  12. The libtards are so stupid they didn't even see this coming! SMH!!
  13. Quoting Hillarious Clintonista! Not a good way to start your comments!
  14. Good! But still I ask why do they have to pay at all? I'll be contacting Texas' Governor and Lt Governor and see if there is any interest getting this debate started. We should start with this one first before we tackle the other one concerning why people should pay school taxes if they do not have children in the system.
  15. As if we needed any more proof. If one doesn't know what pure evil looks like, well, it's contained in those that voted against this bill!! [Hidden Content]
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