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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Arkansas hires Kendal Briles as their new offensive coordinator! [Hidden Content]
  2. Remember -- socialism is for you NOT the socialist! Example: Those that passed obamacare on to everyone else -- DID NOT put themselves under the same program.
  3. Where in the Constitution does it say that the House has any say-so in how the trial is ran?
  4. Every president since George Washington has exerted executive privilege! PS -- what did eric holder do here? [Hidden Content]
  5. In American jurisprudence, fairness is for the accused, not the accuser. So, since when does pelosie want a fair trial for President Trump? By the way -- what was fair about what schiff and nadler was doing??
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. Ban soros from the USA! [Hidden Content]
  8. soro's commie stooge had to be corrected! [Hidden Content]
  9. Also this: [Hidden Content]
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. soros, a Hungarian Jew, got his start selling out fellow Jews to the occupying Nazis posing as a Christian … and for his ‘help’ he was allowed to keep a lot of the proceeds. Sounds like a really nice guy, huh! In fact he openly admits doing so and is not the least bit ashamed of what he did to innocent fellow Jews. Clearly someone with ethics and morals you can trust … great guy to have as a neighbor! I heard he was a nazi sympathizer. This alone should get him removed from the USA! Also, soros has also been band from many countries.
  12. UT, you little sneak, why didn't you inform us that soros now funds this magazine? Shame on you! [Hidden Content]
  13. 12 climate Einsteins stand in front of a moving train! [Hidden Content]
  14. It's about time somebody take a close look at this UN-American commie! [Hidden Content]
  15. Another reason for impeachment! Hey, Big Girl -- you taking notes? [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Sounds like Briles going to Lee is a done deal. We shall see!
  18. From the article: " While Trump wrote that the magazine “has been doing poorly and hasn’t been involved with the Billy Graham family for many years,” some of his strongest evangelical supporters -- including Graham’s son -- were rallying to his side and against the magazine. Rev. Franklin Graham, who now leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and prayed at Trump’s inauguration, tweeted Friday morning that his late father would be “disappointed” in the magazine. Christianity Today “represents what I would call the leftist elite within the evangelical community. They certainly don’t represent the Bible-believing segment of the evangelical community,” Graham told The Associated Press in an interview." [Hidden Content]
  19. Nancy Pelosi: "We have legislation approved…that will enable to decide how we send over the articles of impeachment." "We cannot name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side…so far we haven't seen anything that looks fair to us." [Hidden Content] pic.twitter.com/LcgasQXGHv Just goes to show you how evil or just plain stupid she is. In American jurisprudence -- fairness is always for the the accused NOT the accuser!!
  20. Mark Levine, who actually knows the Constitution, says that McConnell should end pelosi’s obstruction -- Immediately Nullify Impeachment! [Hidden Content]
  21. Just heard that since the he was impeached in his first term, and not removed in the Senate, the Constitution supposedly says that the first term become null and void therefore allowing Trump to run for two more terms! Thoughts?!
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