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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Lifestyles of the rich and socialist! [Hidden Content]
  2. Van Jones is an admitted Communist. Need we say more?
  3. Klein brings up good points. Good discussion points. But apparently I'm not the only that visits his site! Like I said, nothing was confirmed as of yet. Do we have some inside info that it's a fact no one in Austin is questioning this? There's no doubt, I'm sure, that the numbers are transparent. But, what's not been clear by those in favor has the total consequences of this massive tax increase. But, I will bring it to the forefront here in due time.
  4. I'm curious about something: Is this 156,000,000 MILLION DOLLAR bond offer the largest tax increase in the history of Jefferson County? Can anyone confirm?
  5. Again -- good thing there's global warming or else it would really be terrible! [Hidden Content]
  6. I'll respond to the young Mr Mosley in due time. But I'll use his post to bring up a few interesting points for discussion and possible enlightenment: It is my understanding, not verified yet, that there is talk of people in Austin who are questioning why the NISD board let this huge bond (tax increase) of 156,000,000 MILLION DOLLARS move forward to the voters. Plus -- it was also stated, according to many in the "government-know" in Austin, the repayment cannot be sustained in the tax base. Also, the President of the board, Suzanne Isom, stated this in a "Meet The Candidate" article: “I’m proud of the kids and how they’ve scored on tests,” she said. “Their grades and knowledge have increased. We have a very good superintendent who pushes teachers. I’m proud of the school district as a whole.” Very interesting statements in bold letters! And, Mr Jerry Albanese, I know him. A very good man. But he's been awful quite on the bond issue. I think I know why. But that'll be discussed later. But, I think a lot of people at this point do not understand the WHOLE implications to the community of a 156,000,000 MILLION DOLLAR bond (tax increase) in a town of around 17,000 people! But, that's why we have civil discussions to enlighten the folks in the community. So, based on what Suzanne Isom stated, educationally speaking -- is this massive tax increase really necessary?
  7. Let me repeat, and let us not ever forget -- back in the day, the KKK was the police arm of the Democratic party!!
  8. Bernie said bread lines are good. [Hidden Content]
  9. Good post! But let's not confuse those that are pushing this bond with facts. When taxes are raised, and this is what this is, then everything is affected. 156,000,000 MILLION Dollars is a lot of money for which I'll say will not make much, if any, difference in a child's education. Stadium improvements will not make athletes play any better. If it did -- PNG would be State Champions every year. But, I guess, it'll make them feels better about themselves.
  10. I know what the pro-bond people are trying to do. This is not against you. Just using your post as an example. One can put pearls on a pig -- but it's still a pig. They don't want to talk about about it in terms of 156,000,000 MILLION Dollars. It's only X amount of dollars per month, they say. Why not try to fool the public more by saying, well, it's only X amount of dollars per hour. Makes the pig look even better. But, again, it's still a pig!
  11. This is probably going the way of the Trump-Russia collusion and the way the Jussie Smollett con game went. CNN, fake news and all, shows a partial piece of the so-called article. No name, no date, not anything. Then I find this about the "article": " "Time for the Ku Klux Klan to night ride again," said the unsigned editorial,..." Another attempt to fool the masses?
  12. 156,000,000 MILLION DOLLARS for this bond. Just keeping this massive figure in the forefront while it's being discussed!
  13. Not at all. Just stating a fact just because one is Jewish doesn't mean they are religious. I used Carl Reiner as an example: Carl Reiner admits he's a Jew and an atheist. I see you conveniently avoided my Comrade Sanders' honeymoon commit!
  14. You do know that ol' Bernie honeymooned in the Soviet Union? As for as God hating, not all Jews are religious. Carl Reiner and his meat-headed son are Jews and they are atheist!
  15. How dare you offer links with your post!!
  16. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump California has been forced to cancel the massive bullet train project after having spent and wasted many billions of dollars. They owe the Federal Government three and a half billion dollars. We want that money back now. Whole project is a “green” disaster!
  17. Another Soviet-loving, God-hating communist has entered the Democratic race: Go Bernie, Go Bernie! This really is going to fun to watch! You think the DNC is going to screw him again this time around? [Hidden Content]
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