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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Good news? We've gone this long with 1/4 of the Government shutdown and, really -- has anyone noticed? Anything considered "non-essential" should be immedieatly eliminated. That's proving right there that my tax dollars are being wasted. I know, like I already didn't know that. But now it's all laid out for everyone to see. That's why the Dims wanted this to end so quickly. Proving that AT LEAST a 1/4 of the government wasn't needed!
  2. From the article: Democrat Communist Revolutionary Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is doing the talking ".@AOC says it's "immoral" that the American economic system "allows billionaires to exist." pic.twitter.com/Y8uGj5BJXd" Again, my question would be: Who decides what immoral is or at what money amount does it get into immorality? In the article, the lil Commy did say that Buffet and Gates weren't immoral. So... [Hidden Content]
  3. I'll touch it. Again pure speculation. But I'm game. What in there past coaching ability success, which is actual, gives you the impression that they wouldn't succeed wherever they went?
  4. One has to ask oneself: Is it because PN-G CAN"T pay or is it because the Carthage coach has earned it?
  5. Actually said the Nederland HC has done a respectable job. Just won't get you a State Championship. But, I did question how thorough the search for a HC was by Nederland. PS -- Port Neches has a nice stadium and should be able to pay their HC well. So -- what's their excuse?!
  6. The sad part about this is she actually believes this! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  7. The freak show continues. I love it! [Hidden Content]
  8. True. But, what if the people in charge picks another championship quality coach at WOS? It's also all about who does the picking of these coaches.
  9. If you don't think what they did to Kavanugh was totally evil, then there is a problem. To falsely accuse this man of sexual misconduct 30 years ago is, again -- pure evil. And the Dims own it 100%.
  10. All we needed to know is that obama wanted him. His previous 2 were a total joke and embarrassment! Oh, and PS -- the Repubs were going by the Biden rule. I guess it was OK then, huh?!
  11. I guess we could take the Dems seriously but they were FOR the wall before Trump got elected.
  12. I appreciate your response. But, it's awful funny, strange, that none of this happened before TW became the coach. See my point?
  13. One more thing; where/who is the source of this quote?
  14. Yup, I would bet my life on it. Without move ins, Warren does not produce the talent to win a State Championship at their current classification., no offense Warren peeps. TW won 3 titles in a row once he got Kyler Murray. A Heisman winner and likely 1st round draft pick. How come he only won 1 in the other 9 years? Could it possibly be he needed a Kyler Murray type talent? If all it takes is to have a talented QB, even though their are 21 other positions, then why didn't PN-G win State the past 2 years? If Westerberg was their coach, going by what you are implying, he would have coaching PN-G.
  15. Didn't even think about the racial part. So why did you? I was talking physical appearance!
  16. I really don't think you would make that bet! I have another one for you, and the forum: I watched Liberty Hill play. You look at their kids and they look no different than the kids at Vidor. Vidor and Liberty Hill run the same offense. One played for the State Championship and one didn't even make it out of the district. Coaching or players?
  17. Nothing is 100%. Plus i don't deal in speculation. With these being championship coaches -- are you 100% sure that they couldn't.
  18. True, they did win 1 after. But never won before he got there. Then TW wins 4. So, only the "right group of kids" came along only when TW got there? Maybe. But...
  19. I see it a hair different. One gets compensated for a job well done. I'm sure Surratt didn't start off making that much. I'm sure he was compensated after each State Championship. Now, if you are saying you dangle $154,000 out there and then you will get a State Championship caliber coach, well, that's possible!
  20. The problem as I see it is the stoners of the 60's have reproduced and therein lies the problem! (Grin)
  21. I see your point. But -- has any mid-county coach won 6 State Championships like Surratt has? Has any mid-county coach won 1? It's like anything else in life -- production equals value!
  22. Yeah because he doesn’t have Kyler Murray.. which I’m pretty sure was a player not a coach I appreciate your comment. But let's example what you are attempting to imply about Allen when Westerberg was there. Before Westerberg, Allen had NEVER won a State Championship. Westerberg got there in 2004. It took him 5 years to win State. He won State in 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014. Between 2006 and 2015, Westerberg won 10 or more games. So, the salient question is: Was Kyler Murrey there for ALL of the State Championships? I don't think so. Anyway, one player does not make a team. Not doubt this one player helped. But, if one good player at QB is all it takes -- then PN-G is two-time State Champions! Oh wait...
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