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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Let's look at G.A Moore at Celina: He was at Celina two different times. During these two different times, he won 6 State Championships. Did not ever win one before him. Won 2 after him. But none since 2007. Did "move-ins" only happen when G.A. Moore got there?
  2. So, Trump has actually done more in 2 years than the presvious one did in 8. So, curious -- where does obama fit in your category of the "fitness" of being President?
  3. Gordon Wood at Brownwood between 1960 and 1985: Wood won 7 State Championships. No State Championships before or after him. He won State the 1st year he was there. Prior to Brownwood, Wood had already won 2 State Championships at Stamford. So -- I guess at Brownwood there were not any ":move-ins" before or after Gordon Wood.
  4. This is from the Aledo thread: Aledo's H/C moving to A/D. Aledo's A/D is moving back to his old H/C job at Aledo. The new/old H/C is Tim Buchanan. There's much talk about Aledo keeps getting "move-ins" is the reason they win. Well -- check out this from the article: " Buchanan took his first head coaching job in Aledo in 1993 and has served in the district 25 years. He took the Bearcats from a struggling program to a regular championship contender. He led Aledo to its first title in 1998 and followed with titles in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013." What -- Aledo never got good transfers before he showed up?? Again -- its all about the coach! [Hidden Content]
  5. WOW! Another socialist that actually believes in walls! [Hidden Content]
  6. How 'bout dem Cowboys?! Their rush defense was suppose to carry them. Rams had 455 yards rushing. 2 of their backs had over 110 yards a piece. And the famous Zek, well he had only 47 yards. But, of course, Wade Phillips was on the other side. That had a lot to do with it.
  7. Aledo's H/C moving to A/D. Aledo's A/D is moving back to his old H/C job at Aledo. The new/old H/C is Tim Buchanan. There's much talk about Aledo keeps getting "move-ins" is the reason they win. Well -- check out this from the article: " Buchanan took his first head coaching job in Aledo in 1993 and has served in the district 25 years. He took the Bearcats from a struggling program to a regular championship contender. He led Aledo to its first title in 1998 and followed with titles in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013." What -- Aledo never got good transfers before he showed up?? Again -- its all about the coach! [Hidden Content]
  8. If she was a good American, she would quit and live out the remainder of her life in peace. But -- she is not a good American. Meaning, doing what's right for America. She's like the 2 other women: Put on the court to do the left's agenda even when it's at odds with the constitution.
  9. obama even has a barrier that stops people from even getting on his street.
  10. Ted Cruz Breaks Out A Can Of Democrat Whoop-Arse…
  11. I did see this. Interesting! Buchanan started the winning ways at Aledo.
  12. So, you were also against it when Schumer, Pelosi, and obama were for it? Anyway, does their hypocrisy bother you? Also, are you opposed to the length of the wall or that walls do not work? Pelosi and obama think s that barriers work. Pelosi has a barrier around her winery and obama has a wall around his house. Give us some insight to what you actually believe.
  13. Hummm! More liberal hypocrisy! [Hidden Content]
  14. Please -- BUILD THE WALL!! [Hidden Content]
  15. Police admit shooting was not racially motivated but refuse to explain huge discrepancy between artist sketching and suspect. [Hidden Content]
  16. Why was the composite drawing of a middle-aged white man when the killer was black?!
  17. I guess some commies thinks walls work. If they were honest about it! [Hidden Content]
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