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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. The slime drips again! [Hidden Content]
  2. All but 2 Florida counties followed Florida election laws except Broward County and Palm Beach county. Even the ones that were hit hard by the latest hurricane followed the election laws. This election official has been in trouble with the law before concerning election activity. Why was she allowed to be anywhere near the ballots? [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  3. It's amazing how no one on the left here responds this this!
  4. Snopes credibility!? [Hidden Content]
  5. YES -- make sure you vote!!
  6. Grassley's report released. [Hidden Content]
  7. Just saw this on the news. Said the pilot was ex-military. Also said he called 911 before the crash. Maybe this call will give some insight into what happened. Sad!
  8. Remember -- he's friends with that other anti-Semite and racist obama! [Hidden Content]
  9. And she wants to ban assault weapons! LOL!!!! [Hidden Content]
  10. Also with help from the slimmy snake soros! [Hidden Content]
  11. WOW! But as we figured! I would not be a bit surprised to find out this will also come from MS. Balsey Ford sometime in the future!! [Hidden Content]
  12. More proof! [Hidden Content]
  13. What part of "illegal immigration" don't you understand?
  14. According to the latest liberal protocol and outrage, I guess all white people should be offended at this! [Hidden Content]
  15. Rush ask the same question on his show. Conclusion: IT WAS ALL A HOAX!! It's a shame the Senate had to be brought down to the gutter level just to gain political points! [Hidden Content]
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